This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

i thought that the plante earth was a peacefull place to live but for some reson i get the urge to flea as fast as i can?

Post 1

traveler 3000

well hello there my litte freind.

i guess with all that is happening in the world to dayday you might be wondering if the are still any travelers comeing for far away to see this pace earth is still functioning with full staem.
now the one thing that i have seen scine i've come here is that you world is very war torn and hostile.

now my self not being native to earthm i can't really see why we you must always be in some form of conflict with sdome one eles!
now as histroy has shown m y people that the money or the princeble trade system for services rendered to one party from party to another for the exchange of paper with numaric value .
is efective and obsotete at best.
earth is a place that all can travel to without being noticed like i have been for many months..
but you as people are knowingly distoring your selfs along with this planet so as i can see your world should be taken over and it be turned in to a intergalxactic weigh station

or even better one of the those casino plante like Talebin 81.
well onward and upward..............

From the traveler 3000 that fell to earth.

if you want ton here more or catch my news letter just drop me a line at [email protected]

well all this was and has been ans always will be meant in good taste and fun bye bye for now...

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i thought that the plante earth was a peacefull place to live but for some reson i get the urge to flea as fast as i can?

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