This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn
Help needed, fairly urgently...
Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent Started conversation Mar 26, 2002
Hi Jim
A718373 and U191754
Sorry to bother you, but I need a favour. In case the mods don't see this (I did yikes it) it needs to go. It's got an address on it that I suspect belongs to someone other than the researcher posting it.
Thanks. Hope you can help
Help needed, fairly urgently...
Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent Posted Mar 26, 2002
It's finally gone! If it was you who got rid of it, then a big thanks! If not, thank you mods!
Sorry to have bothered you, but you were the only italic online at the time. Hope you didn't mind!
Help needed, fairly urgently...
Jim Lynn Posted Mar 27, 2002
Actually, I wasn't online - just my conversations list auto-updating. I've restricted the user as well, just in case they try again.
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Help needed, fairly urgently...
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