This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

How Time Flies

Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

I recently reactivated and am still reacquainting myself with the site - one of the places I visited was your page and I was DELIGHTED to see how much Charlotte has grown - what a cutie!!

It's hard to believe that when I first came here she had just been born - they grow so quickly. She must be an absolute joy to you - the wonder of rediscovering the world through your own child's eyes is one of the greatest things that the world offers.
And congratulations on the "one on the way".

PS - no need to reply - I know how busy you must be

How Time Flies

Post 2

Jim Lynn

Thanks. Charlotte *is* a joy - not only beautiful (although what parent doesn't think that?) but very well-behaved. Now if only she'd let us sleep just half-an-hour longer...

Nice to see you back. I hope the odd BBC change won't put you off joining in again.

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