This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn
Jim, about the funeral
The Duke of Dunstable Started conversation May 17, 2001
Hi Jim.
I see Margo Buchanan sang "I Wannabe (A Rockstar)" at the ceremony, and I was thinking that maybe a lot of DNA fans here would like to get the chance to hear it too. Douglas shot the video of Polly miming to the song about a year or two ago, and it's still available at [URL removed by moderator]
Maybe if somebody could get in contact with Maego Buchanan to get hold of the lyrics as well, and you could paste the url and the lyrics on an apprpriate place in the Guide?
Jim, about the funeral
The Duke of Dunstable Posted May 17, 2001
...and, of course, on the Front page as well?
Just a suggestion.
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Jim, about the funeral
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