This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Well Done

Post 1


I know these past weeks have been very trying for you - Congrats on a job well done - As you say when the dust settles...

I see you are still using from the Towers and not changed to from the Bushsmiley - biggrin Tradition is setsmiley - smiley

Seriously - I think I can say this for all researchers - A big thankyou to you and the h2g2 team for saving the site from closure. It would have been a sad day if all your work was lost for ever, and the pension benefits should be better too smiley - winkeye

Thanks again
vegsmiley - smiley

Well Done

Post 2

Jim Lynn

You're welcome smiley - smiley

I'm thrilled to now be working at the BBC. It provides opportunities to make h2g2 waht we always knew it could be. It's all very exciting.

Well Done

Post 3


Watch this space eh?

catcha soon
vegsmiley - smiley

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