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Crack pipes

Post 1


I don't know why people insist crack is bad. Listen to this: "A Florida man who swallowed 55 small glass pipes used to smoke cocaine was recovering after surgeons removed the paraphernalia from his stomach." The guy had gone into the hospital complaining of "severe abdominal cramps, heartburn, and indigestion. He apparently swallowed the pipes while high on crack and DID NOT REALIZE what he was doing. The glass tubes ranged up to 4 1/2 inches long."

OH MAN. I admit I've swallowed my share of glass pipes, maybe 12 or 13 at the MOST at any one time. But 55! It's like Dimaggio's 56 game hitting streak, or Cy Young's 511 games won... it's a record that simply can't be broken.

For lunch today... NO GLASS PIPES. I insist.

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