This is the Message Centre for jasminebleu
Wile E Quixote Started conversation Oct 4, 2006
I thought I’d come over and greet a fellow Os Mutantes fan. I only know of one other person who likes them!
jasminebleu Posted Oct 4, 2006
It's nice to meet a fellow Os Mutante fan!
I think I only know of one other person that I know who's a big fan of this Brazilian group, too!
Fancy that!
I see that you have a monkey on your personal page. Is there a particular significance to that?
I just picked out anything that was blue out of the picture gallery here.
I kinda like blue.
What other kinds of music do you like?
You're the first visitor to my message center.
Thanks for dropping by!
Have a good night and I hope to speak with you soon.
Wile E Quixote Posted Oct 5, 2006
Why, thank you for your slightly alarming card. Funny, I’ve another friend who likes to send me cards just like that.
I like all kinds of music, from jazz to classical music, as I expect you do, being a person with good taste.
Don’t mind the monkey on my page. I like to keep them around to do my bidding.
jasminebleu Posted Oct 5, 2006
You're welcome!
I got into that habit of sending funny cards with some of my more off the wall humorous friends. It's good to have friends you can go all out and be silly with.
Thank you for that compliment!
I like any music that is full of spirit and touches my heart in various ways.It would be a shame to limit myself to one genre when there's so much marvelous music out there to explore.
Okay...what kind of things do you bid these monkeys to do?
if I'm prying, but this concept intrigues me.
jasminebleu Posted Oct 19, 2006
I'm sorry those monkeys didn't work out quite as you had planned.
You do have unusually clever ideas. I was told/warned that I might meet some interesting people on this site - and you've definitely got that interesting bit about you down to a science!
I like that anagram that you're using.
My anagram could have been: I'm Jean Bleus, Jab Selenium, Enamel Jubis, Jean Sublime, jasminelube, A Jibnee Slum or Man's Jubilee.
But I decided upon anise jumble.
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