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Wine from Apples

Post 1

Researcher 58695

I don't call it cider because many of the English know cider as a quite bad drink similar to vinegar (cf. Guide entry 'Cider').

In Germany, especially in the regions around Frankfurt/Main, people have drunk 'apple wine' for several hundred years, and it has been invented here. (By the way, if you pronounce it that way, you're all right with the local dialect.)

Although German cider gets awful too when made by huge breweries, you can get some very fine stuff from the local, little cider makers. I happen to know one who makes just delicious wines. He even makes some 'apple champagn', and you would go to your knees for that one...

There are also some special apple wine dishes which I might try to describe: Bembel, Gerippte, Deckelche. There are some trees and their fruits which no-one really knows of any more nowadays but you can make your apple wines even a lot better with, that I might try to do some research about: Eberesche (rowan tree), Schlehe (sloetree), Speierling (serviceberry), Quitte (quince tree).

Comments anyone?

Wine from Apples

Post 2


Which meal tastes best with applewine?
Many Citizens of Frankfurt am Main (Germany) prefer "Handkäs mit Musik" which is freely translated to "hand cheese with a vinegar sauce of onions and caraway seed".
"Handkäs" is a dry and low fat kind of cheese.
The "Musik" (music) describes the sound, which a part of you will produce after enjoying this meal.

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