This is the Message Centre for socarola

Cheap telephone calls

Post 1


Hi socarola!

I finally figured out how to leave messages on h2g2 pages! It's only taken me about 8 months since I started posting!smiley - biggrin

The system we use for ringing abroad (or indeed here in the UK during the day) is through 'Telediscount'.

I've just had a look at their website - - and you can talk to Spain (from a BT landline) for just 1p per minute (it's 2p/min in the UK!). The number you need to dial first is:
0844 8 610 610. A recorded voice will announce that 'Calls cost 1p per minute. Please ring the number you require and finish by pressing the hash button."
The calls come up on your bill as something like 'Special calls' or something like that.
Hope this is helpful.
Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

Cheap telephone calls

Post 2


Hi Paul
Technical probs seem sorted for now!
Sorry for delay in replying but not very up to scratch with the h2 stuff so bear with me!
Thank you for the info on calls to Spain - appreciated.
Happy New Year! smiley - bubbly

Cheap telephone calls

Post 3


Hi soca!

Glad you're sorted!smiley - ok

I'm still struggling with h2g2, but at least this works.

Happy New Year!smiley - bubbly

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

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