This is the Message Centre for socarola

Hello Socarola!

Post 1


KentishKelt here! I see that you have been using H2G2 and am new here too.

Am trying to build up contacts on it so that I can learn how to use it ... next year.

Sorry to see that it's taking you so long to escape the pre-mod process in ML. I had assumed that the two day quarantine referred to new registrations on the Beeb, but they must apply to ML.

The reason for this misunderstanding is that, in the muddle that I got into as Jez pointed me towards H2G2, I opened a second Beeb account about 12 days ago. It lay idle until a couple of nights ago, when I decided to use it in ML and embarked on a time trial to see how long it took to get through pre-mod.

It took less than 75 minutes and 21 messages. If you check message 2412 and 2413 to check my two IDs. If you click on the ID in 2413, you will see which threads I used for the process. (And you may or may not see that I did own up to my gang of usual suspects, although a couple of them have not picked up on it, yet).

Anyway, back down the rabbit hole to ML for me now, cul8r!

kksmiley - bubbly

Hello Socarola!

Post 2


Tis I, KentishKelt et al, hoping that you will read my earnest message I've just read for you in ML.

Please don't give up - you only need to wait now, and if needs be we will email the ML host so that he can look into it when he's back at work.

No-one who's been around will want you to give up now, honest!


Hello Socarola!

Post 3


Hi Kentish Kent
Thank you for your messages of support whilst I was waiting for liberation!
Very much appreciated.
Apologies for the delay in repling but I'm not too up to scratch with this h2 stuff!
But I'm learning!
Happy New Year smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Hello Socarola!

Post 4


have a nice day.smiley - bubblysmiley - oksmiley - magic

Hello Socarola!

Post 5


Hi Roy!

Fun this isn't it?? - even better if I knew what I was doing smiley - cool
Good to hear from you!

Hello Socarola!

Post 6


hi socarola,i hope you are keeping well,unlike me ive got a shocking cold,it's sun and showers here yourtself to smiley - teasmiley - cake<ok
cheers roy.

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