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Post 1


Am so glad you are back smiley - biggrin and just in time for my next exam on Thursday .I need a smiley - blackcat for lucksmiley - smileyHow has the garden been ,a little to tempting I expect .I couldn't resist mine eithersmiley - laughsmiley - bluebutterfly

No Subject

Post 2


Hello! smiley - smiley

So nice to hear from you! I missed our garden-conversations a lot! You’re right, the garden is very tempting, and the smiley - cat is even more tempting! smiley - laugh You wouldn’t believe how nice she’s now – hardly any biting and scratching anymore. smiley - blush
How was your summer? I spent mine with writing my thesis, moving out of my apartment, socializing with the cat, staring at the flowers in the garden, some painting, really nothing extraordinary as you can see. We had a lot of rain, at least I needn’t water the flowers and I saved some time that way. smiley - oksmiley - rose
Good luck with your exam! smiley - goodlucksmiley - blackcatsmiley - cheerup
Talk to you soon!

smiley - blackcat

No Subject

Post 3


Give the smiley - cat a big smiley - hug from me smiley - smiley
Managed to resist the garden today but only justsmiley - laugh
We had a hot dry summer this year which meant lots of wateringsmiley - puff
What's next for you now then?Apart from resisting the obvious lure of Hootoosmiley - biggrin
Will let you know how the exam goes!
smiley - bluebutterfly

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Post 4


The smiley - cat! I didn’t see her today! No idea where she is strolling around… We had another sunny day, and I was really lazy today. smiley - blush
Next for me? The usual I’m afraid… especially finishing my thesis one day! smiley - laugh
What’s your exam about? smiley - goodluck

smiley - blackcat

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Post 5


Same ECDL course am afraidsmiley - smiley enjoying it apart from the examssmiley - laugh
It was really a warm lovely day here too but had revision to do and grocery shopping so I could only peer out of the window at the gardensmiley - sadface
There are 101 jobs that will need doing next month to the gardensmiley - somersault cannot wait!
Think how good your thesis will be in the end thoughsmiley - wow and it will be worth all the hard work.

No Subject

Post 6


Hello Wildamethyst! smiley - smiley

How was your exam? smiley - goodluck

I just recommended you to do an interview about snowdrops, hope that's okay! smiley - biggrin Thought I better prewarn you! smiley - laughsmiley - run

smiley - blackcat

No Subject

Post 7


I passed smiley - somersaultsmiley - puffsmiley - boing see you brought me smiley - goodlucksmiley - blackcat
smiley - ta for recommending me for the interview smiley - smiley I smiley - love to talk especially about plantssmiley - laugh

No Subject

Post 8


Congratulations!!! smiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - rose
Plants! I could talk about them all day long! smiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - fairy
What are your plans for the weekend? Will you have any more exams next week? smiley - book
Have a nice evening! smiley - tea

smiley - blackcat

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Post 9


smiley - hug my next exam will be down to how quickly I can learn the next module 3 months if I am lucky and work hard.
My plans for the weekend are in the garden ,lots of must do jobs ,harvesting the vegetables is a prioritysmiley - smiley
What about you?
Enjoy this evening ,I am going out now for celebration with my friendssmiley - diva so speak to you soon.
smiley - bluebutterfly

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Post 10


Sounds as if you had a nice evening yesterday! smiley - alesmiley - divasmiley - laugh
I don't have any exciting plans for this weekend... I just came back from the garden, but I was too lazy to do any gardening. smiley - blush The smiley - cat is busy rolling around between and on my smiley - strawberry-plants, some of the plants are even in bloom again. smiley - bigeyes Hope the smiley - cat will show some mercy and not crush them all! smiley - laugh
Have a nice weekend! smiley - smiley

smiley - blackcat

No Subject

Post 11


smiley - hug evening smiley - blackcat I did have an enjoyable night smiley - smiley
It was a beautiful day today,warm and bright with no windsmiley - smiley a peacock butterfly landed on my t-shirtsmiley - biggrin it stayed a little while and basked in the warmth of the sunsmiley - magic then it fluttered off to the lavender.The lavender has grown so well this year ,the honey bees and the butterflies adore it.
I mowed the lawns and tidied a few things up but the arbour seat was where I spent most of the afternoon.It was nice to enjoy just a little laziness.
Glad your smiley - strawberries are giving you a second cropsmiley - drool
How was your mallow this summer ?

No Subject

Post 12


Good evening! smiley - magic

Peacock butterflies are beautiful! They're one of the very few species that are still to be seen here quite often! Most common are cabbage butterflies - the smiley - cat loves them! smiley - yikes
My mallows were beautiful this year! smiley - magic They weren't too happy about all the rain, in the end they all lay down sooner or later but that's okay. The problem is that they crack easily when they're tied to sticks or the fence. smiley - erm So I rather have them lying on the ground than being cracked by the rain. We were lucky though not to have any major hail storms this summer.
My lavender hasn't grown well this year. It vanished somewhere in the garden-wilderness! I'll have a look tomorrow if I can find it somewhere in the "underwood". smiley - laugh
Have a nice evening! smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - choc

smiley - blackcat

No Subject

Post 13


I smiley - love to watch the smiley - cat chase the butterfliessmiley - laughsmiley - magic
Lavender is so beautiful and I grow it so it spills onto the paths by the summer house.When you brush against it releases its scentsmiley - wow
Mallow is lovely even when it lies down.The hover flies are out in their hundreds in the garden think they know the season is nearly over.
Have some smiley - strawberries take care until next timesmiley - bluebutterfly

No Subject

Post 14


I found the lavendar! smiley - blush It's not doing well - one can see that we've forgotten about it. smiley - erm I need to find a better place for it next year. smiley - smiley
At the moment I'm on the lookout for pretty tulips. Last spring we had suddenly much less tulips in the garden than all the years before. Now I'm searching for exactly the kind of tulips we have in the garden. The problem is that I have no idea what they are called, and I can't find anything that looks similar to them. Also, I can't remember having seen this kind of tulips anywhere except in our garden. Maybe the internet can help me, we'll see...
Today I was shopping! smiley - bigeyes I bought two pairs of half-boots smiley - blush - I'm absolutely excited about this year's collections. They're so much nicer than the shoes they sold throughout the last few years. smiley - somersault It's so hard to find nice, fitting + not too expensive shoes! smiley - blush

Looking forward to hearing from you!!! smiley - smiley

smiley - blackcat

No Subject

Post 15


smiley - somersault shoes and boots ,I smiley - love buying new shoes and boots,yesterday I went shopping and fell in smiley - love with the new collections.I was spoilt for choice and could not decide what I liked best.There was a beautiful pair of brown boots in the softest leather,but there was also two pairs of suede half boots that were so nice*sigh*what is a girl to dosmiley - rofl
I even avoid shoe shops when I go shopping because I always buy a pairsmiley - laugh what can I say it is a weakness I havesmiley - biggrin
I am getting excited about next years bulbs in the gardensmiley - magic imagining the Spring display in the garden makes me so happy.Let me know if you find the tulip bulbssmiley - oksmiley - bluebutterfly

No Subject

Post 16



How's it going? Bought some new shoes meanwhile? smiley - laugh Now that I have new half boots for the winter, I still need new loafers for fall. smiley - bigeyes This will be my task for this week: finding new loafers! smiley - somersault

Lately I spent some time browsing through an online garden catalog, it is so tempting to order all those beautiful tulips. I made a list of which bulbs I'd like to order and ended up with a total 300 bulbs! smiley - laugh I'm bulb-crazy! smiley - weird I wish the garden was bigger, and the bulbs cheaper. smiley - blush I need to cut down, that's for sure. I also need to have a look in the local garden center to make up my mind whether I'll buy the bulbs there, or order them online.

How's your garden doing? My mallows decided to bloom again, they seem to enjoy the nice weather. smiley - cool

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!!! smiley - rose Have a nice day! smiley - strawberrysmiley - teasmiley - cake

smiley - blackcat

No Subject

Post 17


smiley - hugsmiley - blackcat
New loafer shoes and new bulbs ,gosh sounds perfectsmiley - smiley
I spent most of the weekend in the garden but to be honest the weather was so nice,I got very little done.Sat and admired the last of the summer plants and watched the bees and hoverflies compete for nectar with the butterfliessmiley - magic.Will catch up on a cloudy daysmiley - biggrin
I really do not need any more bulbs for the garden,smiley - blush I have far too many than I need ,but have a compulsion to buy them.This year I will make do with what I havesmiley - laugh am excited about imagining the spring flowerssmiley - somersault
How is smiley - cat? I saw a new smiley - cat today ,he had a black face and a white body with little black paws ,he looked splendidsmiley - smiley
Enjoy your bulb buying andsmiley - goodluck with the shoessmiley - winkeye
Speak soonsmiley - bluebutterfly

No Subject

Post 18


Hello! smiley - smiley

Sorry for letting you wait! My intention was to write you as soon as I've bought the bulbs for spring. But actually I still haven't decided whether to buy them in one of the garden centers, or if I shall order them online. smiley - blush I need to come to a decision soon - otherwise fall will be over and I have no new tulips! smiley - run

The smiley - cat is doing fine. She has moved in more or less... At the moment she's sleeping in the yard again, because it's warm outside. But we had a few rather cold nights, and so I let her sleep in my bedroom. She's making the weirdest noises when sleeping! At first I thought I have to throw her out again, cause all her snoring prevented me from falling asleep. But meanwhile I've gotten used to it. She usually wakes me up during 2 and 4 o'clock in the morning - she needs to pee then. smiley - laugh Instead of waking me up by mewing, she sits down next to my head and breathes heavily until I'm waking up! smiley - monster The first few times I nearly died of a heart attack - it's like being woken up by Darth Vader! smiley - laugh
Meanwhile the cat decided that it's a better idea to wake me up by scratching the walls. smiley - erm Not much better than her playing Darth Vader. I hope she'll realize one day that the nicest way to wake me up is by mewing. smiley - ok

At the moment we're enjoying wonderful fall weather. It's warm and sunny! smiley - smiley This makes it hard to stay inside and work on my thesis. Maybe I'll find the time to go and pick sweet chestnuts - they should be due by now. smiley - magic

I wasn't lucky with new loafers yet. Either the shoes don't fit, or they make a loud noise when walking. I don't like that. smiley - blush

How about you? Are you enjoying the last warm days? I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Have a nice day! smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - choc

smiley - blackcat

No Subject

Post 19


smiley - laugh thud thud thud there is nothing worse than noisy shoessmiley - yikes

We have had a lovely late summer feel to the weather here but I fear it won't last long now *sigh* .Having to study when the weather is so lovely is torture smiley - groan but we just have to get on with it I suppose there is nothing else for it.I haven't made much progress bulb planting myself,although I really must get round to it this week before the month is out is usually my deadline.The butterflies have been out in the sunshine in abundance it has been smiley - magic to watch them basking in the warmth.

smiley - cat is still playing games with you yetsmiley - biggrin she clearly smiley - love's you ,and that is why she has adopted you.

Hope you did go for a walk and pick chestnuts ,it helps to get out in the fresh air and when you come back to study concentrating is easier.(Well that is what I tell myself anyway one excuse is as good as any smiley - rofl
My next exam is in about 5 weeks time so smiley - geeksmiley - book until then.
Until next time watch out for Darth Vader the smiley - catsmiley - monstersmiley - winkeye

No Subject

Post 20


Hello! smiley - smooch

I’m neglecting you again, I’m sorry! smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - choc

Throughout the last week I bought: wonderful new loafers smiley - love, a casual jacket, an elegant jacket, a new (pink!) handbag, and, last but not least, lots of bulbs. Now I’m still on the lookout for golden apeldoorn and daydream tulips, and then I’m done. smiley - smiley
The new loafers were a bit expensive, but as soon as I saw them I fell in love! And they’re making absolutely no noise when I’m walking. smiley - smiley

Today a big beautiful black cat visited me. She looks like a panther, and she was very timid. I’ve seen her before, but never in our garden. The cat who has moved in (I’m calling her Binka, cause she reminds me of the cartoon tomcat Binka) saw me with the black cat and went smiley - yikes and she smiley - run. I’ve hardly ever seen her that scared. Usually she’s the one who chases away all the other cats, but this black panther cat scared her. smiley - laugh At the moment Binka is sleeping next to me on the armchair. I wish she’d get along with other cats, but she’s obviously a lone wolf.

Fall is here, and it’s wonderful. I’m surprised about myself that I suddenly seem to like fall, it has always been my least favorite season. But now I’m looking forward to see the foliage turn into yellow and red… and the sweet chestnuts! Just delicious! I’m also looking forward to having Christmas. All those Christmas carols seem to have got stuck in my head – I’m catching myself humming “Let it snow” and “Santa Claus is Coming To Town” several times a day! It makes me feel really silly! smiley - blush

Are you already learning for you next exam? Hope you find the time to enjoy the last few more or less warm (or at least no too cold) days. Have you already planted your bulbs? smiley - orangebutterflysmiley - rosesmiley - bluebutterfly

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Take care,

katkodl smiley - blackcat

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