Journal Entries

Friday night is alright for fighting

So, I've been doing a lot of blogging recently it seems. Not sure why really. Just something to fill the time I imagine. Coming up with something to write about helps keep my mind off of things.

So, today was my first day back at Futureshop. It was funny how quickly everything came back. Most of my computer skills were just muscle memory, I don't even know what I was typing. Sadly I have not been given a schedule yet, so I don't know when I'm working next. At the very least I know I'm not working tomorrow or someone would have asked me or said something.

I couldn't sleep last night, which wasn't wholly unusual. It's been getting better gradually, but I'm still not sleeping very well yet. Last night I got no sleep at all, which sucked. I was dead tired at work today. I'm dead tired right now honestly. However, I need to keep myself awake for a little longer so I can go to sleep at the proper time. I love naps more than just about anything, but I can't take them, or I'll not be able to sleep when I'm supposed to.

Man, tonight's blog has just been packed with tales of interest, I'm sure both of my readers are riveted. I shall make an effort to create a more interesting blog... ahh, I know:

So I was attacked by ninjas on my way home from work tonight. Fracking ninjas. Here I am all minding my business and these black pajama clad ass-heads just gotta get all up in my grill. So I'm tired and stuff, but when ninjas start acting like they own the sidewalk, it's time to throw down. Luckily for me, the ninjas made one terrible mistake right from the start: They attacked me in a group. Now, the inverse ninja law clearly states that the combat effectiveness of a ninja is inversely proportional to the number of ninjas. Hence, the more ninjs there are, the less effective they become. This is why groups of ninjas can be dispatched with ease, while a single ninja is a formidable opponent.

So yeah, I was just all "Waaaaahhhh Jedi!" on their asses. It was brutal. Then I totally got like 10 high fives and, ummm, 12 women wanted to make out with me, but I had to get home and make dinner... So I only made out with 9.

Fiction is fun. Stay tuned for more pointless blithering. I like towels.

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Latest reply: Nov 10, 2007

Friday night is alright for fighting.

So, I've been doing a lot of blogging recently it seems. Not sure why really. Just something to fill the time I imagine. Coming up with something to write about helps keep my mind off of things.

So, today was my first day back at Futureshop. It was funny how quickly everything came back. Most of my computer skills were just muscle memory, I don't even know what I was typing. Sadly I have not been given a schedule yet, so I don't know when I'm working next. At the very least I know I'm not working tomorrow or someone would have asked me or said something.

I couldn't sleep last night, which wasn't wholly unusual. It's been getting better gradually, but I'm still not sleeping very well yet. Last night I got no sleep at all, which sucked. I was dead tired at work today. I'm dead tired right now honestly. However, I need to keep myself awake for a little longer so I can go to sleep at the proper time. I love naps more than just about anything, but I can't take them, or I'll not be able to sleep when I'm supposed to.

Man, tonight's blog has just been packed with tales of interest, I'm sure both of my readers are riveted. I shall make an effort to create a more interesting blog... ahh, I know:

So I was attacked by ninjas on my way home from work tonight. Fracking ninjas. Here I am all minding my business and these black pajama clad assholes just gotta get all up in my grill. So I'm tired and stuff, but when ninjas start acting like they own the sidewalk, it's time to throw down. Luckily for me, the ninjas made one terrible mistake right from the start: They attacked me in a group. Now, the inverse ninja law clearly states that the combat effectiveness of a ninja is inversely proportional to the number of ninjas. Hence, the more ninjs there are, the less effective they become. This is why groups of ninjas can be dispatched with ease, while a single ninja is a formidable opponent.

So yeah, I was just all "Waaaaahhhh Jedi!" on their asses. It was brutal. Then I totally got like 10 high fives and, ummm, 12 women wanted to make out with me, but I had to get home and make dinner... So I only made out with 9.

Fiction is fun. Stay tuned for more pointless blithering. I like towels.

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Latest reply: Nov 10, 2007

Thursday... yeah.

Thursday. Never could get the hang of Thursdays. This particular Thursday wasn't too bad. I had a pretty decent day to be perfectly honest. I got to spend the day with my friend Keli which was nice because we don't get to hang out that often, and she was generous enough to go out with me and buy me some groceries which was entirely too kind of her. So, I have food in my fridge!

Keli tried to introduce me to "The Office" today. The Office is very funny, there's just one problem... Me. See, here's the thing about me. I am burdened with an over abundance of empathy. This isn't usually a problem. However, when confronted with that particular niche of comedy concerned with eembarrassing actions, it becomes a huge obstacle. It is the reason I can't watch movies like "Meet the Parents" or "American Pie" and such. These movies are centered around characters doing thoroughly embarrassing things, while often being completely oblivious too how embarrassed they should be. I don't suffer from that blindness and therefor feel that embarrassment for them. I cringe, I look away, I groan, I try to make myself not hear the horrible things they're saying as they dig themselves deeper into pits of pure embarrassment. It's uncomfortable and exhausting. The Office is exactly this kind of program. Characters doing and saying things that should have them feeling exceptionally embarrassed were it not for their own inability to feel such. Funny show, I wish I could watch it.

To make up for my inability to watch The Office, I introduced Keli to Cute with Chris. Maybe some of you have heard of it, but it's new to me an I've been loving it. I recommend it, go check it out:

Okay, going back to the Future tomorrow, so I best get some sleep. G'night everyone.

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 2007

The Answer without the Question.

So, it's official now. I am back at the Futureshop. Retail at Christmas, I must be out of my bloody mind. Oh well, money is money. Granted I'm now going to be earning considerably less than I had been previously, but that can't be helped.

The real problem comes from the fact that my first paycheck is only going to have about 8 hours on it, as my first shift falls on the last day of this pay period. This means that my first real paycheck won't arrive until December 1st. Considering I currently have $-18 in the bank, this poses a problem in terms of my continued life functions.

You know what? Money sucks. It really does. Worse than money is debt. I'm currently trying to dig myself out of debt and have been for a while. Now I'm going to be making too little, I'll be able to maintain, but not improve. That sucks.

The real hell of it is, even if I were to sell off all of my possessions, I'd still not have enough to clear my debt. So what would be the point? If I'm going to be in debt, I may as well be comfortably in debt. I swear, if I could go back and change one thing, I'd never ever get a credit card. Credit cards are pure evil in plastic form.

Anyway, time for bed. Tomorrow is Thursday, and I never did get the hang of Thursdays.

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Latest reply: Nov 8, 2007

Back to the Future

Well kids, it looks like this ape descendant is gonna be heading back to Futureshop for the time being. It's this pesky money thing. My mortgage demands to be paid, as do the rest of my bills. Such being the case I can no longer wait to find a decent paying job. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop looking of course, it just means that I can no longer put off taking a regular job in the meantime.

Dunno what I'll be doing at the shop yet, depends on where they want to put me, but at least that's one monkey off my back. Which is good because I now have less than 2 dollars to my name. I went nuts today and blew my remaining cash on a jug of milk. Crazy I know, I'm impulsive like that.

So, anyone who has a retardedly high paying job that needs doing, please feel free to invite me aboard the gravy train. Until then, I'll be heading back to the future.

That's a joke son!

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Latest reply: Nov 6, 2007

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