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Sub-editng your entry on Greek cheeses

Post 1


Hi, Alex!

I'm quizzical and I'll be your Sub-editor today. smiley - smiley I'm working on your entry and have some questions for you:

1. You mention feta cheese in the opening paragraph, but it is not listed along with the other cheeses. Do you think it should be and, if so, is it hard, semi-hard or soft?

2. In the section on hard cheeses, you list 'Xynotiri - a bitterly acidic soft cheese'. Should this be moved to the 'Soft Cheeses' section?

3. In the section on semi-hard cheeses, you describe Kasseri as 'a long running cheese'. I'm not sure what this means. Could you clarify?

4. In the Pronunciation Guide, it says that the words are written phonetically, except for the vowels. Why are the vowels different?

5. And finally smiley - smiley in the recipes, should the baking pans for cheese pastries and cheese pie be greased or ungreased?

Could you let me know what you think, as I'm kind of stuck right now. (I could leave things as they are, but I like my sub-edited entries to be perfect!)

Cheers! smiley - ok


Sub-editing your entry on Greek cheeses

Post 2


Sorry for not replying sooner - I've just got back to London. Here are the answers:

1. I think Feta should be included in the list, and it's a semi-hard cheese.
2. Yes - thanks for noticing that. smiley - biggrin
3. It's been around for centuries.
4. I honestly don't know - it's just the way the Greek language is pronounced.
5. Mildly greased.

Thanks for your time smiley - cheers


Sub-editing your entry on Greek cheeses

Post 3


Thanks for the answers; I've incorporated them into the entry.

You can find the edited version at A3373120. I re-arranged things a bit, bringing the sections about how cheeses are named and the pronunciation guide into an intro section. I think having that information there helps the reader understand and remember the names a bit better (it helps me, anyway smiley - smiley). I also added several links to other Edited Guide entries and reformatted things a bit.

If you would like to add or change anything, please let me know. Otherwise, I think this entry is ready to go to our Editors!


Sub-editing your entry on Greek cheeses

Post 4


Righto - that looks ok from here smiley - biggrin

Thanks quizzical smiley - cheers

Sub-editing your entry on Greek cheeses

Post 5


Front Page today smiley - magic

Thanks again smiley - cheers

Sub-editing your entry on Greek cheeses

Post 6


Congrats! smiley - bubbly

Sub-editing your entry on Greek cheeses

Post 7


Cheers! smiley - bubblysmiley - cheers

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