This is the Message Centre for Bottletop.


Post 1


Hi Bottletop,Have not seen you around for a while!smiley - smileyHow are things with you?
I think the last time was when Alleycat was still aroundsmiley - ermand that was a very long time ago,or maybe it just feels like that.I do miss her being around...anyway......
smiley - spaceI have noticed that you no longer are subscribed to any Anagrammitis threads.Do you wish that I remove the link to the forum on your personal space?
If you want it to remain or be removed there is no problem.I ask just in case that you do not want to be associated with the game anymore,
smiley - artist


Post 2


Thanks for the speedy reply


Post 3


sorry mate,I do appoligise, should have replied're right to be snappy and sarky with me

no, I havn't played anagrams for some time, but that's not to say that I won't try again sometime, it's just that I'm not that good at them, and that can be very frustrating at times.

smiley - cheersBottletop

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