Journal Entries
Great Expectations
Posted Jul 4, 2000
This is where I pop open my journal for the very firstest time! And the time for that has come because of my urge to express what I would write Guide Entries about, if I were to write them in the near future! My topics would include Salmiak - the Candy of the North; The Wonderful World of Lego; Household Physics and Chemistry; and possibly Living with a 3-Year-Old part 1: Coping with 15 000 "Why?" Questions Daily.
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Latest reply: Jul 4, 2000
Great Expectations
Posted Jul 4, 2000
This is where I pop open my journal for the very firstest time! And the time for that has come because of my urge to express what I would write Guide Entries about, if I were to write them in the near future! My topics would include Salmiak - the Candy of the North; The Wonderful World of Lego; Household Physics and Chemistry; and possibly Living with a 3-Year-Old part 1: Coping with 15 000 "Why?" Questions Daily.
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Latest reply: Jul 4, 2000
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."