This is the Message Centre for Researcher 559717
Secret Heavenly Business
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Jan 20, 2004
I have brought you some practise wings {please be careful - they are in short supply} and also to tell you about the Guardian Angels.
We are an unofficial group of internet users like yourself who have too much time on their hands, and we like to use up that time by helping others.
And drink
But enough said about that, Archangel Kes hasn't brewed the next batch yet
This thread will be used to bring you news of the next Sainting ceremony which is when you will receive your wings {which you may keep} and your halo.
Thank you for choosing Patron Saint of Bountys, that's my favouritenext to Ferrero Rocher.. MMM!!
Secret Heavenly Business
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Mar 24, 2004
*Archangel Titania comes flying in*
Due to the recent difficulties for digibox users to access h2g2, we'd like you to confirm your application. We would not want an angel-to-be to miss his/her sainting due to not being able to get online, so we have put all applications on hold pending confirmation.
Reply to this posting, and you'll be included in the next sainting ceremony.
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Secret Heavenly Business
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