Journal Entries

Death of a computer

have managed to kill my computer - arrgghh. So have now resorted to using the ones at the library. It's a bit strange having all these other people in the room with you as you type away. Well I suppose I'll just have to bite the bullet and go and buy myself a new computer.

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Latest reply: Mar 28, 2007


snifff-snifff-snifff. why can't i stop sneezing . It seems to happen at the most inconvenient time. There I am trying to impress some hot bloke - where my head suddenly decides it going to explode and throw itself off my shoulders smiley - biggrin. You know it's very difficult to be ladylike when you are sneezing smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2006

red wine

tra -la -tra- lee may have had a little too much smiley - redwine so if the spelling is a bit strange then am very smiley - sorry. I've had a crap week and just felt the need to get a little jolly smiley - biggrin.
Okay spent the beginning of the week sorting out somebody elses disasterous work, had a slight bump in the car smiley - groan, fell down the stairs, fell out with partner (again), set off the smoke detector smiley - erm, cut hand, and broke the heel off my favourite pair of shoes - where is that smiley - redwine!
Ah well tomorrow is the start of another week!!

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Latest reply: Sep 9, 2006


Okay then I have this much adored nephew, and it is his birthday this weekend - my problem is what do I get him?smiley - erm It has to be smiley - cool, it has to be fun and preferably it has to be something his mother will in NO way approve of smiley - evilgrin
I think the last present was confiscated - okay so a book of poetry entitled 'Always eat your Bogies' smiley - yuk was bound to cause some problems smiley - biggrin but he thought it was hysterically funny.

So tomorrow i will be running around the shops like a mad thing until my smiley - headhurts
smiley - yikes

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Latest reply: Sep 6, 2006


well it seems it is finally over smiley - sadface- our long hot summer has left, and the usual scottish weather is back - drizzle, wind and freezingness!! smiley - bleep
Time to rake out the old faithful cardi, and unearth the long johns!!
I suppose it's time to stop paddling in the north sea again smiley - brr but that does give the fishermen something to laugh about!

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Latest reply: Sep 5, 2006

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