Journal Entries

The Prince and Me

Okay so I saw a chick flick with one of my girl friends. Yes it's evil and I should be shot but I happen to like them. The movie wasn't a typical Cinderella story but it was a great story with a happy ending. As I watched it I couldn't help but feel an urge to smiley - run rush home and see my boyfriend. Of course I'll see him in two weeks but still I felt so much love for him as I watched this movie. I was supposed to hang out with my friend but I just can't. I want to talk with you Conspyre. I'm waiting for your phone call while doing Statistics homework, which I guess it better right now than watching another movie or playing a game.
I'm listening to a Chris Cagle song called "What a beautiful day". There's a line that goes "We had our ups and downs all along the way--she had a chance to leave but chose to stay". I did stay, I Love You SO much Conspyre all the poets hired couldn't even begin to make up some song to describe how I feel for you. All the whispering winds through the trees couldn't speak it enough. I long to be near you, the one I love and the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Perhaps it's too early to say that and maybe it's a little scarey to think about it but it's true. This isn't just some fairy tale, it's not a fairy tale come true, this is real life and this is true love (or twue wuv if you prefer). smiley - loveblush

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Latest reply: Apr 25, 2004


Well I woke up at 7am, but with good reason. I felt pretty good about being so ready to get out of bed. I went to a nearby nature center at 8 to help set-up for an Earth day celebration. I like the quiet of the morning, especially before any participants show up. I guess it's the stage-crew techie in me. Anyway, a friend and I set up tables and chairs for about a half an hour before anyone else showed up to help us. It was nice to see nature by itself without anyone else there, the birds were lovely. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day to have a celebration outside. It's about 85 here, sunny, and a little breeze. The fresh country air added a nice scent to the place along with wildflowers. I made a tye died t-shirt while I was there, a test run for the friend who was running it. I'm glad with how it turned out. I left around 11 but wouldn't have minded staying a little more. What a pleasant way to start a Saturday, just the simple things really make me happy. It was great fun. smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Apr 17, 2004

First journal entry

Hi everybody-
This is my first ever live journal post and I'm really excited. Hopefully this will keep me in better contact with you friends at home and off at school than that somewhat boring and neglected website I had. I'll still have that too I think just for fun but this seems more useful on a day to day basis.

For those of you who don't know, I want to be a park ranger hence the name. I'm majoring in Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration and minoring in HISTORY (and there was much rejoicing). I'm hoping this will give me a great shot at getting into a park either state or national, I'll take either or any I'm not really that picky. This is all of course assuming President Bush doesn't f**k up the environment like he's been trying to do since he got into office. sorry, sorry had to get that out. I think he's an idiot in that area. That and considering more space exploration when our school city school systems suck and there is mass amounts of poverty and hungry people. Of course, I like space as much as the next person, but isn't Earth a part of that too? Maybe he should look at the big blue planet before going to MARS again, a.k.a. the God of WAR!!!!

On a happier note, I was invited to apply for the honors college at school and my heart condition seems to be okay under monitoring from the heart monitor. The doctor still has to decide exactelly what it is and what to do about it but my pulse reaching as high as 195 sometimes hasn't made me pass out yet! YAY!

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Latest reply: Jan 19, 2004

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