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Post 1

Researcher 99947

One of life's many mysteries.
Not sure which one that would be though smiley - winkeye
Hmm... have you ever stopped by my page? I assume you have, but you didn't leave a note smiley - sadface
Oh well.
Virginia Tech, eh? I saw the and I automatically thought it was another Vermonter... ho hum. You have some interesting art crap (crap is not a vulgar word in this sense... kind of like stuff)... I tend to stay away from 3d. Must run.


Post 2

Researcher 55674

You have a page, too? I thought the ACEs were large disembodied heads floating around h2g2 (there's an idea for a float).

Thanks for takin a look at my page, yeah, just starting digital art, so most of it's just... well, interesting a good way to describe it. You ought to stay away from 3D, it's incredibly addictive, just ask Peregrin.


Post 3

Researcher 99947

Well, the only reason why I tend to stay away is because I'm on win2000... most of my art programs don't work on it smiley - winkeye

I have, at last count, 28 pages smiley - winkeye


Post 4

Researcher 55674

Looks like you only have 8 on h2g2, unless I missed some. The others scattered about the web somewhere?


Post 5

Researcher 99947

Oh yes... and scattered is the appropriate word. I'm horrible; most of the time I use the pages as storage space (a la geocities)... I went out and tried the WET... about to submit the fruit of my labours... I think I did a pretty good job; I redid the artwork... hope nobody notices smiley - winkeye


Post 6

Researcher 55674

Yeah, well storage space is about all geocities is good for anyway. Looking forward to seeing your image, nobody really cares what you do with the elements as long as you use them (or something close).


Post 7

Researcher 55674

doesn't look like your post ever showed up on my server.


Post 8

Researcher 99947

No... you wouldn't- never posted it lOL!! Hehe- "The road to hell..." smiley - winkeye I am actually done with all the details, etc. but I have to do the floor (this is in a room) and possibly a wall... and I might just add a few other things- I honestly don't know. I will overdo it, that's for sure.


Post 9

Researcher 55674

Ahh, that explains it.


Post 10

Researcher 99947

Well, I finished it, actually quite a while it has been done (does this read like I don't know a lick of English? hehe).

It is posted on my page, but I think I missed the deadline- I kept on posting it to the wrong place, and then deja was giving me flack about adding spam to alt.binaries.comp-graphics (???)... I don't know! But I did finish it.


Post 11

Researcher 55674

Impressive, Mr. Sargent. Nice use of Poser, and nice concept too. I refuse to use Poser much(except in emergencies) until I have created my own characters and textures. Hope I'll get around to it this summer.

Wish I had time to do WET 73, but I've got two floats, two tests, and a CS project to worry about. You should try a WET again sometime, they're great fun, and I'm sure the group will give some positive comments.


Post 12

Researcher 99947

well, mr. sargent isn't my name smiley - winkeye That is, however, who outlook express says the name is. I don't ever use the program, but deja just wouldn't let me post! I'm Mr. Wiliamson smiley - winkeye

Well, I used photoshop for almost the whole thing. Just Poser and photoshop. I don't much like the look of WET73. And, I usually go over to infinite fish. I quite like doing the doodle box


Post 13

Researcher 55674

Yeah, been there a few times myself, that's the place with the strangely subtitled kung gu animation, right? Might be confused with absolute cross.

Funny about that IE name, couldn't figure how to change mine for a while, so I posted a couple of times as "CUC Valued Customer". You can imagine the response.


Post 14

Researcher 99947

hehe... it can be a cruel, cruel world.


Post 15

You can call me Cheryl.....

Being lost in a world where there is interesting conversation isn't so bad...


Post 16

Researcher 99947

Conversation is king.


Post 17

Researcher 55674

Yet merely a king of fools?


Post 18

Researcher 99947

It needs a very clever woman to manage a fool


Post 19

You can call me Cheryl.....

gooseberry fool


Post 20

Researcher 99947

er... Gooseberry comicstrip

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