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Hey there!

Post 1

Researcher 99947

Welcome to h2g2! I see you've already started to venture out into our little univers (go to for more interesting sights)...

Hmm... I was just reading your Origin of the > < > smiley - fish ... very interesting, very true! Very well written! Very big stretch there from h2g2 smiley - winkeye He he... I'd love to hear what DNA would have to say about that!

Hey there!

Post 2

Researcher 55674

Thanks for the welcome, Spork (I refuse to type your full name, so it's Spork for now). I've been on here for a while, but just started really posting the other day. I certainly hope to do much more.

Hey there!

Post 3

Researcher 55674

Ah, now I see the significance of the name.

Judges 3:17
And he brought the present unto Eglon king of Moab: and Eglon was a very fat man.

This message brought to you by the Smartyfish.

Hey there!

Post 4


Hi, I'm Bluebottle - I met you in the Christians on H2G2 forum, and thought I'd say Hi.

Hey there!

Post 5

Researcher 55674

Hey, thanks for stoppin by.

SmartyFish says "We declare unto you glad tidings" Act 13:32a

Hey there!

Post 6

Researcher 99947

Indeed... that is the significance of Eglon... although, I wouldn't exactly call myself fat... well rounded, maybe?

Hey there!

Post 7

Researcher 55674

Oh, right. Sorry if I made any implications. Perhaps the SmartyFish will come up with a better reference.

And the haft also went in after the blade; and the fat closed upon the blade, so that he could not draw the dagger out of his belly; and the dirt came out.

Oh blast, I thought he might come up with that one. Well, it is from the story of Eglon, though I'm not sure I would call it a better reference. smiley - smiley

Hey there!

Post 8

Researcher 99947

Oh... so I have been to your page before- it has changed a bit.

Hey there!

Post 9

Researcher 55674

just a bit, yes.

Hey there!

Post 10


Hi Ddombrow, haven't seen you for ages.
I thought you disappeared?

Hey there!

Post 11

Researcher 55674

Hey Blue, yeah, I've been a little busy lately. Just found time to do a little more (usually at sleep's expense). Good to hear from you again.

Hey there!

Post 12


So, what have you been up to?
I noticed your smiley - fish was approved smiley - smiley

Hey there!

Post 13

Researcher 55674

Ah yes, my first approved entry. Means I'll have to write another now. College is mostly what I've been up to, free time I usually devote to graphic design. Good thing I can do both listening to Christian Pirate Radio ( or I'd probably go bonkers. Assuming I haven't already.

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