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Post 1

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I'm bored... where've you been? Or have you been as busy as I've been this last week?


Post 2

Researcher 55674

Yeah, I've been very busy. I had another test (will they never end?) and two projects for the first half of the week. The rest of the week I've been taking out my frustrations on the basketball court (or, more accurately, the other people on the basketball court). Now I'm just tired... very tired.


Post 3

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Awww... smiley - hug

Well, if you're totally bored, Radford Homecoming is today... very smiley - cool. Though the bagpipes are giving me a headache...


Post 4

Researcher 55674

What a coincidence, ours was that day too. Of course, the only thing that goes on here is football, football, and more football.


Post 5

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Aww, that's too bad. ([American] football= smiley - yuk) We had all sorts of stuff here... Highland Dancers, bagpipes upon bagpipes, a parade, a great celtic rock band, and "burly young men in kilts" (actually pudgy older guys sometimes wearing kilts) playing traditional Highland games. I must say, a Caber Toss is unlike anything I've seen.

Only problem is, they started putting stuff up/together at like 6:30 that morning... and of course my dorm is right next to Moffet Lawn (the nerve center), and of course I had my windows open. smiley - yawn Except for that, it was really smiley - cool.


Post 6

Researcher 55674

Neat smiley - smiley
I would have liked to see that.

Is your your school somehow connected with a scottish theme? (i.e. mascot, team names)


Post 7

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Yeah, they changed mascots/themes a number of years ago (less than twenty, more than ten); we used to just have a beehive and the colors were grey and purple. But now we've got a registered tartan, a big old muscular guy wearing a viking helmet and a kilt and not much else as our mascot, and we're known as the Highlanders.

That's as much as I've been able to figure out. smiley - erm

And there's always next year to see it. smiley - smiley

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