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Hello ddombrow!

Post 1




I never know if you're coming or going!

Hello ddombrow!

Post 2

Researcher 55674

smiley - smiley *waves back* It's nice to know my presence is missed.

No internet access at home you know, only at Uni. Meaning I'm off the scene during the holidays. Anything big happen 'round here the last couple of months?

Hello ddombrow!

Post 3


Very probably - the last "scandal" was LeKZ being permanently banned from the site.

Otherwise people have been having fun - especially here in the UK, where the number of real-life meetups has rocketed. I've been to two in the last month, there's another going on right now (which I can't be at, sadly) and then another on 25th September.

The other 'big thing', for me anyway, is the fact that I too start Uni on October 1st!

Hello ddombrow!

Post 4

Researcher 55674

Oooh! Good for you.

Oxbridge I assume? smiley - smiley

Hello ddombrow!

Post 5


smiley - laugh Oxbridge? Me? Nah! Bournemouth is where I'll be at.

Hello ddombrow!

Post 6

Researcher 55674

Oh, how dissapointing. smiley - winkeye

So, wotcha gonna study?

Hello ddombrow!

Post 7


"Interactive Media Production", apparently. I explain a bit about it at I think.

Hello ddombrow!

Post 8

Researcher 55674

Nice. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Good luck with the financial side of things. In my case, Uncle Sam's been such a big spender in education that I hardly pay for anything anymore.

Hello ddombrow!

Post 9


What? That's disgraceful! That money should be spent IMPORTANT things like the lovely new missile defence system!

Hello ddombrow!

Post 10

Researcher 55674

Maybe so, all I know is I enjoyed getting PAID a thousand bucks a semester for my first two years of college.

O BTW, I did finally get Stavesacre's Speakeasy. Great stuff, my favorite song so far is Sundown Motel.

Hello ddombrow!

Post 11


You did?! Wow! Someone actually listening to my advice! *faints*

Glad you like it. I'm a fan of, well, all of it. If you see a copy of "Absolutes" in a shop don't hesitate to buy it on the spot, because I think it may have gone out of print now. Shame.

Hello ddombrow!

Post 12

Researcher 55674

Hmmm... might get it used from Amazon.

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