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Hello, ddombrow

Post 1


We have met (in the F&F), but I thought I'd leave a note here anyway as that may not count as knowing me. Hello.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 2

Researcher 55674

Hey Bagpuss,

Never been to F&F, so I don't think it was there. Saw you recently in h2g2 christians though. Nice to meet you (er, again).

Hmmm... introductions. You can call me Dan if you want, I'm from the US, going to college in Virginia. Yourself.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 3

Researcher 55674

oops, that was supposed to be a ? at the end.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 4


Oops. I knew I'd seen you so I just guessed it was in the pub (usually a reasonable assumption). I'm Richard, in the UK and at Leeds University, though this is my final year so that may change.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 5

Researcher 55674

what's your major?

Hello, ddombrow

Post 6


Maths. In fact it's my only, not just my major. smiley - biggrin

Hello, ddombrow

Post 7

Researcher 55674

smiley - laugh

Glad that's not the case with me, if the only classes I took involved business information technology, I'd go stark raving mad.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 8


I can see the point of the whole major system, but my electives (non-maths modules) have been my worst subjects.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 9

Researcher 55674

Not me, I cash in on my electives, mostly picked because they're of interest to me or generally not difficult. When it comes to academics, I'm a jack of all trades, not really great at anything, but above average in most things.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 10


Mmmm, well I'm a mathematician, as has been obvious since GCSEs, where you can plot my grades against how mathematical the subject is and get a very good correlation. smiley - biggrin

How many electives do they let you take, then? I could only have done about 1/4 of my final year in electives if I'd wanted to.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 11

Researcher 55674

Well, the admins of the uni seem to think we all need to be well-rounded people with a large knowledge base, so there are broadly based requirements in a bunch of subject areas. Despite their best efforts I can usually find an interesting class or two to take from among the required lists, generally a boost to the GPA and fulfillment of a requirement or two.

Like, for instance:
I take Creative Writing to fulfill an art requirement.
I take New Testament to fulfill a Cultural Value requirement.
I tak Entomology to fulfill some strange requirement I don't remember.

Next semester though, I think my elective days are over, hope I can take it.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 12


Good luck.

It seems our uni wants us all to be ignorant of anything outside our particular area, as to take an elective, you need to sort it out so that it doesn't clash with anything and hope your exams don't clash either.

Hello, ddombrow

Post 13

Researcher 55674

ugh, exam clashes smiley - ill

Hello, ddombrow

Post 14


Yeah, it's bad enough when you get 2 on one day (or one on a Saturday). That doesn't affect me this year though, hoorah.

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