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TDF in London

Post 1

Bald Bloke

OK I don't normally use my Journal, but just for once... smiley - smiley

TDF day for me today,
Central London was already full before I left home, so I took the tube to Canning Town and walked down to watch it.
Was sat / stood on the barrier in the middle of Lower Lea crossing just past the roundabout under the Silvertown way.

Only bit of the givaways from the promotion caravan, I got was a box of Yorkshire Tea Bags, for some reason the local kids didn't seem to want them smiley - teasmiley - smiley

Of Course being London it started to P*** down 5 minutes before the riders went past and was dry again as soon as they had gone.

Not too crowded out there and got reasonable video of them all flying past.
Peleton took less than 15 seconds for the whole lot of them to go past, they were shifting smiley - smiley despite the wet and slippery conditions.

After that wandered up the road and got a decent cup of smiley - tea at the Seimens exhibition centre then after a few photos around the dock and a pint of Meantime on the Oiler. (A Converted Navel fuel barge), I took a roundabout way home.

First the Dangleway (Emirates Cable car) over to the O2 then the Clipper service back to Embankment, with a stop for a pint of Sam Smiths at the Chandos just off Trafalgar square, followed by watching the repeat of the finish on the big screen in the square.
Then back on the Northern line home.

Don't know how long it will be before the TDF returns again, but given the vast turnout I don't think it will be too long.

TDF in London

Post 2

Baron Grim

smiley - cheers

TDF in London

Post 3


Sounds like a good day.


TDF in London

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - ok

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