Journal Entries
A non-work day
Posted Jan 20, 2004
First of all, a big shout out to Jen, who had her first day at work yesterday, and with whom I'm hoping to keep in better contact than I have done for the past couple of years.
Second of all, a big shout out to my other absent friends, with whom I have such difficulty finding time to correspond.
I'm having a non-work day today, which means I will be doing all the things which aren't related to my PhD research or my teaching, but which are nonetheless essential for maintaining my life, home and sanity. I'll be checking my financial status, to ensure I can go drinking at some point. I plan to plan the rearrangement of my room, and if possible, implement the design. I also want to buy some small pieces of card, so I have something I can carry around everywhere and write things on at random, so I don't need to remember everything, then sort out at a later date. In particular, I would like to take notes so I can make better journal entries.
"Thanks for listening."
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Latest reply: Jan 20, 2004
Presentation, Doctors and Lambda Calculus
Posted Jan 13, 2004
In about 10 minutes I'll be giving my presentation. I don't even have the interesting bits, I have two minions for this exercise who have done all the content.
I went to get my prescription repeated today, and they made me get an appointment to see my doctor for a review. Fun.
I would like to get some of my work out of the way today, especially my work summary page for my "official" web page, but also I'd like to get my first h2g2 article written.
Still, at least there's Scrapped Princess to look forward to later.
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Latest reply: Jan 13, 2004
Procrastination and Insomnia
Posted Jan 12, 2004
I'm tired. I've been tired all day, and trying to do work at the same time, which is nearly impossible for me (my attention span drops below my boredom threshold for nearly everything I attempt when I feel like this).
I am supposed to be:
Looking into how to write a parser
Writing a bit about my research on my "official" webpage
Writing an article about Lambda Calculus for h2g2
Reading about monadic functional programming
Preparing a presentation about the research group of which I am a member
Playing with Mathematica
Oh well. The presentation is pretty much prepared anyway, and I will be giving it tomorrow. I just need to print the transparencies, which can wait. As for the rest, it's not urgent.
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Latest reply: Jan 12, 2004
Back Again
Posted Jan 12, 2004
This is my third identity on h2g2. The others were Mr_Tea and another Max Dale type of thing. Forgot the details of those and can't be bothered to find them out again. Anyway, this is being written because I am (a) bored and (b) recovering from a virus of some kind which seems to affect my concentration. Aaaaanyway, here I am, journalising.
I plan to write some articles of interest this time, but only if I can find the time to do so. Apart from that...
Oops, really ought to do some work now.
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Latest reply: Jan 12, 2004
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