This is the Message Centre for Garak

Hi from vegiman:-)

Post 1


See you got my message, lot more on my page to help newbies.
happy posting
vegimansmiley - smiley

Hi from vegiman:-)

Post 2


I am soon off to bed - early start in the morning. If you see any of these on line the will be only to pleased to help MadMunk - Monsy - Hypoman - Saffire - Ginger - Fairly Strange - Zachsmind - I know I will be told off for not mentioning a few others - But What The Heck.

On my page you will a party forum (Take a Bottle) This is a new forum but will soon fill up (called Parties moved upstairs Hic). Its the fourth in two weeks or so. The others filled up so quick I had to invent new forums. Just a fun place but you will meet a lot of guys & gals there from all over the world. Just introduce yourself and ask for a chockie fish. You'll get an answer fairly quickly. Ask for advice and you will get it.
vegimansmiley - smiley

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