This is the Message Centre for holly


Post 1


What protest is that hunny?


Post 2


smiley - holly

Still peeved over last week.

I think tempers were being frayed but maybe you should come and join us.

By the way saw your photo on your facebook and you look lovely. I am going to look like the dowdie granny with all you stunners!!

May have to book some botox!! smiley - laugh


smiley - dragon


Post 3


I havnt got a photo on facebook smiley - wah well I dont think I do. What happened last week then? God I hate missing stuff smiley - laugh


Post 4


Hi PSD and Deedee smiley - hug

Still no reply from the mods smiley - grr

Deedee, someone started picking on Princess and when I stuck my nose in and stuck up for her my post got modded but said person was allowed to still have personal digs at other people smiley - grr

PSD, I have made my nephew remove that picture I looked like Dawn of the bloody Dead smiley - monster

He is at this moment doing my shopping for me as a penance smiley - evilgrin


smiley - holly Lisa xx


Post 5


Oh balls don't i feel silly now smiley - laugh you were talking to Lisa


Post 6


Deedee smiley - hug

Don't ever feel silly I think PSD smiley - dragon was talking to both of us smiley - biggrin

Hope you're ok hun and really hope you can make Brum. smiley - hug

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