Journal Entries

Wonko the Insane

 Since I updated last I have driven slowly insane.
This started when I listened to a book on tape
(Dave Barry's Book of bad Songs) and was reminded
of slightly annoying, and way too long (especially
the nanana part)Beatles song "Hey Jude." Ever since
then it's been going through my head constantly and
I'm not sure I can take much more of it. Please Help!!
Wonko the Insane
P.S. Dear Beatles fans: I like the Beatles but
enough is enough and this is too much and I'm sorry
if I have offended you so please don't post irate
messages on my forum

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Latest reply: Sep 5, 1999

I'm not wearing any pants

Today started like any other day. I woke up, I stretched, I
forgot I have an elevated bed and fell on my face. I then proceeded
to the W.C. and fell asleep on the toilet. When I woke up I realized
I was late for class and ran for the door.
I hopped on my Raleigh and sped off towards campus. I was
going faster than I thought was possible, until I was only about
two blocks from my destination. This was when I realized I wasn't
wearing any pants. I ignored this fact and went to school
in my underpants, nobody noticed.

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Latest reply: Sep 2, 1999

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