Journal Entries

Sod's law and its' application in the NHS

Unwritten rules of night shifts..

1. *Never* attempt to go to the toilet whilst carrying a pager. It will always send out a trauma call, resulting in much hopping about and swearing.

2. All analysers are fitted with a critical need sensor, causing them to f**k up at *exactly* the point at which you really didn't want them to, causing much the same reaction as in rule 1.

3. smiley - doctors are *always* right. Even when they're so incredibly wrong you can't believe how they ever got qualified. Shouting louder at me and slamming down the phone will of course only prove to their rightness.

4. In addition to a pager I also carry a crystal ball, enabling me to see in to the future and anticipate crossmatch requests in advance. So of *course* your blood is going to be ready, even though you haven't actually got round to asking me to do it smiley - grr (refer to rule 3.)

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2004

And the burning question is.....

What's that strange noise coming from upstairs? smiley - evilgrin
Answers on a postcard to the usual address.
A fluffy sweet and a used tube ticket what I found in my pocket just now to the winner (form an orderly queue please)...

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Latest reply: Dec 8, 2004


Well, it's been a while

smiley - musicalnote Movin' just keep movin' smiley - musicalnote

Something's happened today that I'm very happy about. Those that care will already know. The rest... smiley - nahnah

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Latest reply: Oct 28, 2004

I'd like to thank...

...the Doctors at my place of work for proving to me (yet again) that the ability to pass a five-year medical degree is *no* indication of intelligence. It can only get worse as the newly qualified ones haven't even started yet smiley - erm. I think I'm going into hiding until at least September.

...London Transport, without whom I might actually get somewhere on time.

...the makers of a certain brand of energy drink that gives you wings for giving me the ability to walk and talk simultaneously.

...that nasty little virus I've picked up that's making me feel so smiley - ill. I honestly never knew one person could produce so much snot. I refuse to let you win, you little b***ers smiley - grr own personal God who, despite all the above is managing to make me feel that life is kind of smiley - cool at the moment.

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Latest reply: May 28, 2004

On the Stressed List

It's days like this I have to remind myself that I volunteered - nay, wanted - to do this. Nobody made me.
I'm not coping very well with trying to juggle a full time job, part time degree, night work *and* maintain some semblance of a social life. Something's got to go. And I think it's going to be my sanity.
I'm having to force myself to revise, when all I want to do these days is sleep. If i revise when I'm tired then nothing sinks in. Which makes me even more stressed.
When this is all over, if I ever mention the word 'study' *ever* again you all have my express permision to a) remind me of this journal entry and b) take me outside and shoot me.

Sod it. I'm off to find some smiley - ale

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Latest reply: May 14, 2004

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