This is the Message Centre for Chaotic mass
Suzerain Started conversation Dec 8, 1999
If you are Chaotic Mass, you are the long lost son I've been looking for! I gave birth to you a few thousand years ago, and sent you out into the universe to be on your own. Looks like you've made a name for yourself, I'm proud, now come on home and visit mama!
Your loving mother,
Eris deSuzerain
Chaotic mass Posted Dec 14, 1999
Wow! I don't know what to say... ...still thinking... Hello! How are you? I'm, well dynamic today... no nah wait... I didn't know I had a mother, this is great! I er, ah I'm glad you found me. I'm so astounded I have nothing clever to say. Email me at [email protected] sometime.
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