This is the Message Centre for turnipinthecountry
ACE's Hi
aka Bel - A87832164 Started conversation Sep 2, 2006
Hello and welcome to the wonderful community of h2g2 , also called 'hootoo '
I am your <./>ACE</.> and have come to meet you and to greet you and to help you with your first steps on this site.
First things first : , there's always somebody near to help you with whatever your problem might be. For example you can reply to this message and/or ask me a question by simply pressing the reply button. Or you can click on the name above this message, which will bring you directly to my Personal Space ( recommended
), where you can leave a message for me.
Here is the Welcome Message from DNA, the founder of the site: A157349
Emmily has created a shiny new page : h2g2 in a nutshell here A8468742
Feisor has set up a wonderful page with hints and links, so please, go and explore them here: A719840
Things you should know before you start :
This is an open forum, so everything you post can be seen by everybody else, and you cannot delete it, nor can you correct it once it is sent. This is where the 'preview' button below your answering box comes in handy
The only thing you can edit or delete, is any guide entry you create,( go here for more info : A53209 ) which includes the introduction on your Personal Space.
If you reply to this message and tell me a bit about your interests, I can most certainly point you directly to the best places to go.
This is where I would explain a few site-specific things, but my friend said it was too long, so I'll wait until you ask
Take your time, have a look around the site, and enjoy yourself
P.S. I'm certainly prone to having forgotten something vital to you, so please don't be shy, hit the reply button below this message
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ACE's Hi
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."