This is the Message Centre for $u$

Wild 'Orses

Post 1


Hi 'Sus
Thanks for the lift between Manchester and Glasgow. Twas good to see you again (yes I suppose it was smiley - winkeye). Hope you got back safely.

Wild 'Orses

Post 2


Whoa... careful there. That was very nearly complimentary.smiley - tongueout

smiley - hugGood to see you too my dear. Hope you had a good weekend.smiley - smiley

Wild 'Orses

Post 3


I certainly had a good weekend even if my legs are suffering a bit from the jumping up and down in laserquest smiley - smiley

Wild 'Orses

Post 4


Ah... there's nothing like running around shooting people to make you feel... totally knackered. LaserQuest Leg Syndrome (LLS).smiley - bruised

Wild 'Orses

Post 5


So you're feeling it as well. Was the trafic OK for you on the way back - assuming you got out of Manchester and found the motorway you wanted.

Wild 'Orses

Post 6


As soon as I got back on M6 it was 20mph traffic.smiley - sadface Took me an extra hour to get home. Definitely flying next time... to Cairo.smiley - winkeye

Have you seen Munchkin's pics that Pastey put up yet? Link from Pastey's space.

Wild 'Orses

Post 7


Seen them already smiley - winkeye

Pastey was also complaining that the M6 south of Manchester was up the spout last night as well smiley - sadface

Wild 'Orses

Post 8


It was.smiley - grr Somehow I managed to stay awake until I got home though.smiley - sleepy Slept very soundly last night.smiley - winkeye

Wild 'Orses

Post 9


Would you believe it, the train I got from Manchester to London arrived early! I even had a seat that was reserved as well.

You got back safely though so that's OK.

Wild 'Orses

Post 10


So was the train early enough to balance out it's late arrival on Friday? What time did you get home?

Wild 'Orses

Post 11


It was about 9pm by the time I'd done the tube ride up to mine.

Wild 'Orses

Post 12


Suppose I should really be sleeping now.smiley - sleepy

Wild 'Orses

Post 13


Probably! I think I should as well smiley - winkeye

Wild 'Orses

Post 14


Got my sleep eventually, but still not enough. Will try and catch up again before London.smiley - winkeye

Wild 'Orses

Post 15


What are you trying to catch up to? Sleep? The Red Queen? smiley - runsmiley - winkeye
I could do with more sleep as well. Wen't out for a meal and some drinks with my colleagues here and it was good.

Wild 'Orses

Post 16


You party animal.smiley - tongueout Always out on the tiles.

Not sure what I'm trying to catch up to... it's always just too far ahead for me to make it out.smiley - run

Wild 'Orses

Post 17


It's a hard job but someone's got to do it smiley - winkeye

Wild 'Orses

Post 18


Sounds like my kind of job... where do I apply?smiley - winkeye

Wild 'Orses

Post 19


It was just some sort of hang over from an earlier time I think.

Wild 'Orses

Post 20


smiley - hangover?

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