This is the Message Centre for $u$


Post 1


Busy, busy, busy, hello, busy, busy, busy.
Hope the exhibition went well.
smiley - hug


Post 2



I'll find out next week, but at least I can relax now.smiley - smiley

...apart from my sub-editing... my uni project... HVS... my webpage... my life...smiley - winkeye

Nice little forum you have here. Can I get you an smiley - ale?

Been keeping busy?smiley - bigeyes



Post 3


Well I have sort of being busy. Busy doing not a lot. Only a week to go and I can't be bothered doing too much at work.
Sounds like you've been busy.

Did you manage to get the action photos you wanted a few weeks back?

An smiley - ale nice idea but my head is feeling a bit fuzzy after drinking some last night. An smiley - oj might be more appropriate!


Post 4


Perhaps I'd better make us some smiley - coffee instead, although I wouldn't mind a smiley - cider if they're cool enough now. *checks in fridge* Two smiley - coffee then.smiley - doh

Final week, huh? So next w/e will be a double celebration?!smiley - winkeyesmiley - alesmiley - ale

Action photos? *scratches head in a lapsed memory sort of way*

I only had last night, but I did have smiley - cider the night before. Tonight is strictly smiley - oj though.smiley - winkeye Tomorrow I'm off early to smiley - choc heaven... guess I'll have to rely on the video for tonight's Files.smiley - sadface

Sunday is a day of rest... except there's something on I'd quite like to go to... if I can still find the energy.smiley - zzz



Post 5


I had several beers and should have had a bit more to eat as I woke up at about 5:30 drenched in sweat having a hypo I guess.
I think a couple of smiley - ale will be had tonight but there's loads of stuff I need to do over the weekend (and I want to get back to watch X of course).


Post 6


Funny how that reminds me of someone.

After careful consideration I have realised that I cannot possibly sleep without watching X Files. Apart from anything else, it has not been 'unknown' for the BBC to postpone programmes due to Wimbledon, leaving you having videoed the first half of a gripping show, preceeded by the day's sporting "highlights".smiley - grr

I simply wouldn't be able to sleep for worry.smiley - winkeye


Post 7


Well it's not wimbledon but a Jack Lemon prog that has replaced this week so check before starting the video!


Post 8


What?!??! *rushes off to check BBC site*


Post 9


Well he was a rather famous actor who did die the other day. It's the kind of thing the BBC do at these times.


Post 10


What... put on a 'tribute' half an hour before midnight on a Friday, on BBC2? smiley - wowThey must have a high opinion of him.smiley - erm

Almost as high as they do of us X Philes.


Post 11


Just been to see Evolution...


Post 12


Really?!?!?smiley - winkeye


Post 13


No I really saw Down To Earth.


Post 14


That's okay then.

Have some smiley - strawberries


Post 15


I prefer the c in my s&c to be smiley - bubbly


Post 16


You would.smiley - tongueout


Post 17


Well I'm intollerant to some things!


Post 18


*exercises amazing restraint*

I see.


Post 19


Are you sure you see. I think maybe you're just saying that. You don't relly know that much about me or what I'm like other than from this place and that kind of comment can offend.


Post 20


*wonders which one of them is offended*

*decides to quit whilst she may or may not be ahead*

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