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Baby Come Back!

Post 21


You'll probably feel more relaxed about it once you've found out more, and it starts to become just another 'fact of life' after a while. There's always plenty of folks round here to offer a sympathetic shoulder in the meantime.smiley - smiley

Did you say you had a Guide entry underway at present? What was it?


Baby Come Back!

Post 22


smiley - hug Thanks.

I did start thinking of doing a guide entry on some thing to do with electronic engineering, but a few things have got in the way...

Baby Come Back!

Post 23


Ooh, that sounds technical.smiley - erm

Good to chat with you the other night.smiley - smiley

Let me know if you get that Minox...!smiley - winkeye


Baby Come Back!

Post 24


Yeah it was nice to just sit back and chat for a while.

I'll certainly let you know if I do eventually get that camera. I think when I do it'll make a mate of mine cheesed off as like me he's a gadget nut and I'd have a camera smaller than his smiley - smiley (he's got one of those fancy little cannon ixus aps jobbies).
I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about cameras (she's a photographer) as I'm thinking about getting a new big camera when I've saved up some money and it was suggested I get a Nikon F90?thread="sadface" class="smiley" src=""/>

Baby Come Back!

Post 25


Get an F80?thread="smiley - smiley" title="smiley" class="smiley" src=""/> Forget the F65?thread="smiley - winkeye" title="winkeye" class="smiley" src=""/>

This friend... anyone I might have heard of?smiley - bigeyes


Baby Come Back!

Post 26


Unbalanced? Non comprende

Baby Come Back!

Post 27


The F65?thread="smiley - biggrin" title="biggrin" class="smiley" src=""/>


Baby Come Back!

Post 28


So that's what you mean by unbalanced. I've already got one entry level SLR, well I've actually got two but one is in somwhat damaged condition (the bottom plate is no longer there and the shutter has a habit of sticking).
If you come up with anything I might know about then I'll help but I don't know masses about the subject.

Baby Come Back!

Post 29


Ooh... what cameras would they be then?smiley - smiley

I don't think knowing masses is necessarily essential... just enough enthusiasm to do a little research on a topic that perhaps interests you.smiley - smiley


Baby Come Back!

Post 30


The cameras are (pulling them from their hiding places...)
Chinon CE-5 - The best working one.
Chinon CG-5 - The slightly worse one.
and an old Vivitar 283 flash (which keeps getting rebuilt).
The cameras were both second hand when I bought them, not at the same time though - I think I paid less than £100 total.
They're both semi auto with Aperture priority (set the aperture and it works out the shutter, is that right?) and very similar in features and build. They take Pentax-K fit lenses and I've a 28, 50 and 28-80mm to go with them. They aren't the newest are greatest cameras but as they don't do everything for you, you've got to learn a bit about how it works which can't be bad.

Baby Come Back!

Post 31


Aperture priority - my favourite mode.smiley - winkeye

I have to confess that since getting my 'automatic' camera, I tend to use the pre-set modes a lot, although this is partly due to the nature of the photography I do, which doesn't often leave much time for fiddling with the camera while composing a shot. However, the main reason is that I have been so busy actually using the camera that I still haven't got around to finding out just how you use it in 'manual' mode! On old manual cameras, setting the aperture and shutter speed is fairly obvious, but new cameras tend to have so many menus and displays that working out which combination of buttons provides which feature is not so instinctive!smiley - winkeye

I am beginning to find that I really need to access manual mode to compose the shot how I want it, so I guess I will just have to finish reading that manual!smiley - online2long

I may start using the old (and not terribly good) manual SLR again, as I have a 200mm lens for it, whereas I only have a 28-80mm for the F80?thread="sadface" class="smiley" src=""/>

BTW, I've added some examples of potential entries to the photography project page now, if you fancy taking a look.


Baby Come Back!

Post 32


Aperture priority - my favourite mode.smiley - winkeye

I have to confess that since getting my 'automatic' camera, I tend to use the pre-set modes a lot, although this is partly due to the nature of the photography I do, which doesn't often leave much time for fiddling with the camera while composing a shot. However, the main reason is that I have been so busy actually using the camera that I still haven't got around to finding out just how you use it in 'manual' mode! On old manual cameras, setting the aperture and shutter speed is fairly obvious, but new cameras tend to have so many menus and displays that working out which combination of buttons provides which feature is not so instinctive!smiley - winkeye

I am beginning to find that I really need to access manual mode to compose the shot how I want it, so I guess I will just have to finish reading that manual!smiley - online2long

I may start using the old (and not terribly good) manual SLR again, as I have a 200mm lens for it, whereas I only have a 28-80mm for the F80?thread="sadface" class="smiley" src=""/>

BTW, I've added some examples of potential entries to the photography project page now, if you fancy taking a look.


Baby Come Back!

Post 33


Don't you just hate it when that happens?!?smiley - winkeye

Baby Come Back!

Post 34


That's a lot of stuff to be considering!

I keep telling myself I'll go out and buy a tripod and take the camera walking to get some nice landscape stuff but I've not got round to it yet. Far too lazy to be getting up at silly hours to get the best light smiley - winkeye

Baby Come Back!

Post 35


yes smiley - tongueout

Baby Come Back!

Post 36


F&M is preventing a lot of photography I had planned this year, like wild flowers.smiley - sadface

I also think that 'getting up early' may require me to go to bed somewhat earlier.smiley - winkeye Speaking of which...

smiley - zzz


Baby Come Back!

Post 37


Taking photos of flowers (wild or tame) isn't really my thing. I think I'd like to try some macro stuff but as usual being lazy and not wanting to spend too much money doesn't help smiley - winkeye

Baby Come Back!

Post 38


I saw a really good close-up shot of a watch strap! It was one of those metal link type straps, but it looked liked some amazing feat of engineering.

Anyway, I've done my photos of the fair now, so I can get back to working on my project.

Baby Come Back!

Post 39


So what project is this then?

As an electronic engineer, I keep thinking I want to take pictures of circuit boards and the like! Hmmm.

Just heard a couple of cracks of thunder while sitting here typing this, ooh err!

Baby Come Back!

Post 40


And some lightning too! (I thought I saw that as I walked home from the tube)
It's not raining here right this minute but I'm sure it's about to start soon enough smiley - bigeyes

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