This is the Message Centre for Alexnawrocki


Post 1


hi howz it going everybody. [email protected]


Post 2

Mighty Joe Young

Hi Alex.

You left a message in Mel J's portfolio on Get Writing.

She's unavailable until this evening, but if you want to make online friends then you could try the following addresses...


The FreePoetry crowd are friendly folks and will welcome you with open arms, as for WriteSite, it is equally friendly, and Mel J is a manager there, so you can contact her through there if you have no joy via Get Writing.

Thank you.



Post 3

Mel J

Hello Alex!

Sorry I havent been in touch earlier.

Im not used to following threads/conversations on H2G2....

Like Joe said - something I completely forgot to mention, as I dont have MSN Chat facilities - there's two friendly chatrooms at the links he mentioned in the above mail.
Especially the one on FP is usually busy and open every evening/night.

c u around and hope uve had a nice X-mas!!


MJ (t' other lil one)


Post 4


thanks for that i might try it in the next few weeks. cheers Mel/Joesmiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - magicsmiley - runsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - bubblysmiley - ale i like the these pics

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