This is the Message Centre for QUIZICAL

Hiya it's lee...

Post 1

Lee + Keeper of links

Hiya mate, what is it you want to know?

Hiya it's lee...

Post 2

Lee + Keeper of links

Hiya mate,

smiley - mod If you want to know how to do <./>PICTURES</.> just click on the word pictures (it will explain.

smiley - mod If you want to know how to drop down boxes (like in my personal space) just ask, and I'll give you the link.

smiley - mod If you want to know how to change the colour of your writing, again just ask.

smiley - mod or if you want to know how to get the "welcome to my personal space" just ask again and I will give you the link.

Just let me know if I can help you further. Take care.


Liam smiley - disco H2g2 Guide smiley - disco

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