This is the Message Centre for thefluffysardine

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 1

~*}Black Angel{*~

i have been told you are very hyper

i can tell from your username

i'm charlie smiley - cool click on the smilie to see more and learn hoe to use them ! (i have to say that when talking to new members or they kill me. Its been done before, i don't enjoy it.........

GO! create random guide entries! to learn how get bored and click random things

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 2


I wonder if there is someone in this world who can tach me kung fu fluffing.
I also need to reduce my fluff levels.

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 3

~*}Black Angel{*~

you can do it!!

just leave off it for a few days ok? be strong

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 4


I don't know whether I can. I must be strong...
*bursts into fits of tears*
Oh look a flying sardine... *ponders*

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 5

~*}Black Angel{*~

where! oh, there, *ponders also*

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 6


Oh so you see what I see also then... I understand your point of view. I am spouting out rubbish. Yes I am. Yes I am. YES I AM I TELLS YOU.

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 7

~*}Black Angel{*~

smiley - musicalnote Babab ba BA smiley - whistle

oh dear, the sardine had a crash landing

ah well it'll make fish pie smiley - fish

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 8


Nooooooo! What in fluffs name is going on????
You killed my only friend - my sardine Bob? BOB?

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 9

~*}Black Angel{*~

smiley - yikes

well.........................ok then, i'll give oyu my friend fluffpippi

he a sweet fellow, bit of a dork and addicted to blue smarties but could be worse

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 10


ooooooo? Fluffpipi! I am excited...
I must prepare the dinner things.
Oh wait, I have no dinner things smiley - sadface

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 11

~*}Black Angel{*~

none atall!!??!

you poor deprived creature! shocking!

Heres fluffpippi smiley - fish

keep him away from the smarties ok?

*dissapears teporarily in a puff of smoke*


why hello fluffy sardine

Post 12


Smoke arrrrr!
*cough cough splutter splutter*
I can't see a darn thing in here...

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 13

~*}Black Angel{*~

sorry, i'll get rid of it

*turns on fan*

ah, hi!

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 14


You should be so mad at yourself!

Fluffpippi is lost somewhere is the mist of all this trouble... mist...get it!

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 15

~*}Black Angel{*~



oh, i see Fluffpippi

*picks him of ceiling*

he gets scared easily

*hands him to fluffysardine*

oh and the pages thing,

you see all those green dots down the side of your page?

well if the conversation gets long antoher page is introduced and therefore another dot

get it? read on b4 you reply otherwise the conversation may have moved on without you!

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 16


Oh I get it... thats ingenious.

Fluffpippi is suffering from BBS

(Thats Bad Bowel Syndrome)

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 17

~*}Black Angel{*~

oh dear how........hideous!

does he have any medicine for it?

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 18

~*}Black Angel{*~

got to go sorry!

--you can tell wether someone is online or not in a conversation becaus eif they're on eyes appear next to their name


*dissapears without smoke*

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 19

~*}Black Angel{*~

you are online!

no excuse not to reply!

(aha! i'm hyper and overly happy for no reason!)

why hello fluffy sardine

Post 20


so wots going on?
me hyper too MOOOAAAH!

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