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Hey Goldylock
Jabberwock Started conversation Jan 6, 2007
Hey there Goldylock - I notice that I'm on your list of Friends. I'm very honoured to be your Friend, and I'll rush and add you to my list rightaway
Was there any particular reason?
I notice you do quite a lot of writing. I like writing too, but I don't do as much as I should. I also love the film What's Up Doc? which I think is a film (or movie!) that should be more widely known.
Welcome to my Friends!
Best wishes,
Hey Goldylock
Goldylock Posted Jan 31, 2007
Hello there,
and thank you for being a friend
a fellow Alice in Wonderland wanderer and some time female humorist ... (though not as good as web-design as yourself, I'm afraid). I love your intro, and think I see a kindred spirit somehow.
not here as often as I could be, as I've been leaving comments on Wikipedia as `Artymis', and researching therapy for autistic behaviour, involving spinning toys, left-right connections and mirror reasoning. Also just moved house.
I posted a little poetry as Rainbow59 before the BBC site got swallowed by this one, which was how I got here. Currently, though, I'm doing a musical trawl of past heroes and heroines to help me transcribe some songs `what I wrote'. Writing is my main refuge from incomprehensible human behaviour.
forgetting passwords seems to be a speciality of mine. So far so good....
(live long and prosper)
Hey Goldylock
Jabberwock Posted Feb 1, 2007
Hi Lis,
Kindred spirits definitely With a liking for the Alice Books and for Douglas Adams and a sense of humour quite adjacent to mine, there's no doubt about it.
I quite like the Pythons too - they were inspired by Spike Milligan who never quite got the credit and fame he deserved - and I like Billy Connolly too. Someone I knew met him in his drunken days and he was a real nasty so-and-so offstage, but now he's sober he's really nice.
Glad you like my Home Page. Tell me, Lis, where do you live? You can tell from my Home Page, if you see the links, but I don't know where you are. Are you still in America?
Glad to be your friend,
Hey Goldylock
Goldylock Posted Feb 10, 2007
actually, I'm English, but I think I am midlantic in many things, and have some of e-friends in the USA.
I'm a fan of a lot of Terry Gilliam's work. I saw a really good documentary about his attempt to make a film about Don Quixote. I think he's got an extraordinary imagination, and I want to see more of his films (so far, three or four, I think).
I live in Lincoln(shire), where funnily enough the May Book Festival is going to feature `Alice in Wonderland'. A novel for our times, I think. Let me know if you ever would like to visit.
Hey Goldylock
Jabberwock Posted Feb 13, 2007
Hi Ginge,
Great choice for a Book Festival! My favourite Gilliams are - guess what - Jabberwocky, as well as The Life of Brian, and Time Bandits. Guess I go for him as much as you do. Isn't Lincolnshire where all the poachers - and the low-flying aircraft - come from?
Hey Goldylock
Goldylock Posted Feb 15, 2007
Do you have a favourite Alice in Wonderland quote?
I sort have have one - it was one of the nicer things said by the queen of hearts. Could be from through the Looking Glass though.
Hey Goldylock
Jabberwock Posted Feb 24, 2007
This is an extract from my favourite extracts, an extract from Chapter Vll, The Lion and the Unicorn, an extract from Through the Looking Glass. [Alice with the White King]
Just look along the road, and tell me if you can see either of them.'
`I see nobody on the road,' said Alice.
`I only wish I had such eyes,' the King remarked in a fretful tone. `To be able to see Nobody! And at the distance too! Why, it's as much as I can do to see real people, by this light!'
Hey Goldylock
Goldylock Posted Feb 26, 2007
My favourite quote that i can remember is the bit in Through the Looking Glass about walking in the opposite direction, but I know there's another one.
I've been at myspace again, but apart from the odd pop-star, it's not easy to search.
If you ever want to take a peek -
quite pretty now, with lots of coloured formatiing and a few nice things. and {
} to you
Hey Goldylock
Goldylock Posted Feb 26, 2007
this is the link to the blog, or you could be there for ever - still might, if i got it wrong
Hey Goldylock
Goldylock Posted Feb 26, 2007
Thanks for the compliment - home-made, going through several evolutions of colour. It's meant to cheer me up - even when I'm in a dark mood. Been over 140 views of it in the last two days, which I find astonishing. I couldn't even find myself in any index, so perhaps some of them are Russell Brand's friends
here, shame). He was my first friend request - number 1200 and something
I've even been courted by a celebrity agent (unless they're fibbing monstrously). Oh how funny am I??? It must have been the word `creative.'
There you go - what you can do with endless insomnia and
I've been listening to `The Killers' a lot recently - dead giveaway, eh? If you haven't heard `Read my mind', I recommend it (it's on utube).
Hey Goldylock
Goldylock Posted Feb 26, 2007
P.S. That up there is supposed to be a rolleyes icon, but it don't do it like on MSN. Where this the irony and pathos in the emoticons??
A lot of them are really good,though. I particularly like
, not much in my nature, but it looks a bit like prayer, whcih I might need to get me back into `real life'
Glad Al Gore got a documentary film award - just as I thought the United States was headed for outer space without the benefit of any friends on the planet. Some hope left then. Bout time.
Hey Goldylock
Goldylock Posted Feb 26, 2007
P.S. I thought about writing more about the situation, but I think my journal here is public. I might try and find some female songbirds for help - any clues?? e
Hey Goldylock
Jabberwock Posted Feb 27, 2007
Start a new conversation? Put it in your blog? Ask in your Journal for suggestions? Sorry, I've no idea really. But you're right - anyone can read this, they don't even have to join or anything.
Key: Complain about this post
Hey Goldylock
- 1: Jabberwock (Jan 6, 2007)
- 2: Goldylock (Jan 31, 2007)
- 3: Jabberwock (Feb 1, 2007)
- 4: Goldylock (Feb 10, 2007)
- 5: Jabberwock (Feb 13, 2007)
- 6: Jabberwock (Feb 13, 2007)
- 7: Goldylock (Feb 15, 2007)
- 8: Jabberwock (Feb 24, 2007)
- 9: Jabberwock (Feb 24, 2007)
- 10: Goldylock (Feb 26, 2007)
- 11: Goldylock (Feb 26, 2007)
- 12: Goldylock (Feb 26, 2007)
- 13: Jabberwock (Feb 26, 2007)
- 14: Goldylock (Feb 26, 2007)
- 15: Goldylock (Feb 26, 2007)
- 16: Goldylock (Feb 26, 2007)
- 17: Jabberwock (Feb 27, 2007)
- 18: Goldylock (Feb 27, 2007)
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