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Hi there

Post 1

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

smiley - dontpanic

its only smiley - devilREBs
many thanks for or your kind comments on my space smiley - hug
heres a smiley - bubbly for you chat latersmiley - rofl

smiley - devilREBs

Hi there

Post 2


smiley - cheers for the smiley - bubbly maybe i can return the offer one day.

at the moment i am smiley - ill witha cold, but hen it is cold here smiley - brr in sunny (lol) fife, spending a lot of time either smiley - sleepy or drinking hot toddys - medical i promise smiley - biggrin and it does help smiley - winkeye u soon forget u have a cold smiley - silly

I am trying to find members of the bagel fish appreciation society (if there is one), u most prob think i am smiley - weird well maybe, a little smiley - biggrin

Well i am off for another drop of my special medicine, hope to chat soon

smiley - love
smiley - pony xx

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