This is the Message Centre for dhuntress1


Post 1


Hi there,i was on ld so was what your name on there.


Post 2


The same as on here, well almost Thehuntress although i had quite a few names,( most of them uncomplimentry but thats other ppl for u.) So tell me about urself or do i go to ur page?


Post 3


Nothing on my page 2 tell,i am 56 and i live in basildon essex,like you i had loads of names on ld,but the main ones i used were HOT-ROD and TWIZZLE so i dont know if you ever saw me on there.


Post 4


Aye i remember HOT-ROD, so ur from sunny Basildon eh, what part Vange etc??


Post 5


Well wouldnt call it sunny basildon,i am 5 minutes from the town centre and about 10 minutes from vange.
Ive got friends who live in vange,ive been in basildon since 1972,i oringally come from a place called southminster which is also in essex,and is a small village out in the countryside.
Yea i got barred on ld from useing HOT-ROD,use 2 have loads of fun on there,wish they would bring it back,i go on yoome2 but not as much as i use 2,as its never working properely,only go on there if ive got any messages.
By the way my name is Phil


Post 6


I know Basildon very well, know southminster also got family there (in basildon) so i do visit there quite a bit for holidays, well its a change from Fife but not as nice.


Post 7


Well isnt it a small world,must admit im not all that keen on basildon,but i could never go back 2 southminster 2 live as there is not much there 2 do.
I live at the town end of of long riding,not very far from the savacentre garage.
Ive got a sister that lives in southminster who i go down and visit


Post 8


My family live of Church Road, so i do know whereabouts u live, used to have mates who lived in Long Riding but they were near the pub ...good pub, bit rough round the edges but ok by Basildon standards lol


Post 9


Havent been in the riding pub 4 a long time,if if i fancy a smiley - ale i go 2 the roof gardens,but mind you i dont drink that much.
Hope you dont mind me asking you this,are you a true scot as i use 2 chat 2 someone on tn the phone and she came from essex and moved 2 scotland and also she knew vange very well and had friends live there,im not very sure if i spoke 2 her on ld or yoome2,as it seems so so strange that you know a lot about basildon and southminster,i cant remember her name.


Post 10


So how are ou keeping.


Post 11


Hi Di,you dont remember me do you,now i know your name you have spoken 2 me on the phone.


Post 12


I give upsmiley - biggrin


Post 13


i haven't spoken to u on the phone, not that i remember anyway


Post 14


Hello there,sorry i must have the wrong person,as a person with the same name as yours,use 2 phone me up now and again,as they also knew a lot about vange and southminster where i came from.
As you can see im on pre-mod as there has been a lot going on off from here,all i want 2 do is chat 2 people and be friendly,im not going 2 get involved with anymore arguments with people on here anymore,as if i get a post that i dont like,i will just ust unsubscribe from it,and what my friend told you yesterday was true.
So you take care.

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