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20th August - Life in Hell

Post 1

Mark Rogers

Daughter Zoë is being a right pain in the arse - teething at 20 months. Whoever coined the term "The Terrible Twos" should be sued under the trades description act, as Zoë started being terrible off & on at 17 months.

Spent 2.5 hours cooking dinner, and now don't feel hungry (for the record, it's globe artichokes, followed by a butternut squash, celeriac, mozzarella & smoked chedder bake with breaded yellow oysetr mushrooms and baby leeks, followed by Waitrose Ginger Chocolate Cheesecake. An ideal meal for a diabetic with severe cholesterol problems (ie, me).

Looking forward to the Stroud Morris Dancers tour to Ireland (Galway, home of Fat Freddies Pizzas) next week. Then delivery of new car then delivery of baby 2 (or 3, depending on if you count dead ones).

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20th August - Life in Hell

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