This is the Message Centre for Sakaijenne


Post 1


esp. Chris, Pinky and Marc!!!
It's been over 1-2 weeks since we chatted lastsmiley - cry

I know Happy and Sheryl are fine smiley - biggrin

I do everyone who is on my friends' list here is fine smiley - smiley

Please leave your short message here if you read this journalsmiley - ok

As to me, I come here from time to time although the time when I come here is early in the morning or at midnight in England smiley - cry, so maybe we miss each other.

It's very hot and sticky here in Osaka. And I can't stad the heat smiley - grovel, but because I want to concentrat on English or on French more than Japanese, I try to come here as much as I can.

Well, well, keep in touch smiley - hug

Lots of Love smiley - hugs

Taeko smiley - diva


Post 2


Nobody has come yet smiley - wah
It seems lots of people will forget me little by litte smiley - cry

smiley - musicalnote


Post 3

Billy60 ...

Quick message from home while I have the chance ......... there is a problem with our internet service at work and I have not been able to access h2 smiley - sadface .....

You are not forgotten and I will hopefully be back shortly ....

smiley - biggrin


Post 4


Chrissmiley - smooch
Glad to hear frpm you again smiley - biggrin
Hope we'll chat soon as we used be smiley - ok
Ateko smiley - musicalnote

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