This is the Message Centre for Pinky Parker-Tourettes

Hello from agc Ben

Post 1

a girl called Ben

Hi Pinky-Parker

You are right - Mostly is a honey, and his heart is in the right place too. Mrs Mostly is a lucky gal.

I saw your entries in the 'Manufactured Men' thread, and I have seen you in other forums too, so I decided to drop by and say Hi.

Nice to see you flying the feminist flag - not too many of us remember what one of those looks like, these days.

*aware that I am posting when drunk, and I'll be sober, and possibly embarrased, in the morning*


a girl called Ben

Hello from agc Ben

Post 2

Pinky Parker-Tourettes

Nice of you to drop in girlfriend! Will coninue to keep putting my oar in, cos that's what forums for discussion are all about isn't it?

My postings seem to have gone from fluffy & frivolous to rather more serious of late. Could be time to redress the balance.

See you around.

Hello from agc Ben

Post 3

Mostly Harmless

Hi y'all,

Are you talking about me??


Hello from agc Ben

Post 4

a girl called Ben

Sure are! smiley - smooch

Hello from agc Ben

Post 5

Mostly Harmless

COOL smiley - cool

Good things I hope.

Here's a smiley - smooch and a smiley - hug for you and Pinky.


Hello from agc Ben

Post 6

Pinky Parker-Tourettes

Mostly - you are *such* a tart! Which is probly why we like you so much. x

Hello from agc Ben

Post 7

Mostly Harmless

Tart???? Is that a good thing?


Hello from agc Ben

Post 8

a girl called Ben

It's an enjoyable thing! smiley - smooch

Hello from agc Ben

Post 9

Mostly Harmless

I feel the need to say something cheeky about being enjoyable but I can't think of a thing. DRAT!!!!


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