This is the Message Centre for HappyEeyore

Happy? How did that get here?

Post 1


Eeyore, is it you really you, my dear old friend?

If so, welcome back at any time of the day or night. I have mended my kettle so tea is available, but it doesn't work with that champagne stuff you been sampling.

If you're a different Eeyore, vote for the Mosquitopen at:
and I shall explain all.

Happy? How did that get here?

Post 2


Hello plaguesville,
I'm afraid I'm not your original Eeyore but I have voted for the pen if that helps.
Just trying to gather a few more sticks together just incase I need to host over Xmas.
I had a thought the other day (during a very damp part of a storm at about 4am) wouldn't the world be a happier place if we all celebrated each others festivals (I'm quite good at ramadan especially when it's cloudy and you can't see the get to keep on partyingsmiley - cheers) I don't think we'd get muchwork done though.................sounds even better.
Oh well off to the local carol service (so good of them to drop by my field) smiley - run

Happy? How did that get here?

Post 3


(kof, kof) smiley - whistle

"At home in a manger,
Some sticks for a roof.
A grey HappyEeyore
Is not so aloof ..."

Hope the carol singers didn't eat all your thistles.

Just going to cycle home in the pouring wet.
More later.
Writing stuff, not wet.
Although ...


Happy? How did that get here?

Post 4


HappyEeyore, I should like you to meet Eeyore:

On Eeyore's page, there is a "click here" link to one of the finest poems in the English Language. That is not merely my opinion, I expect it to be Eeyore's as well.

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