This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 761


So, how did the day go? Did you manage to avoid drooling over any shrubs? smiley - laugh

Since my last post, two more seeds have germinated smiley - huh I've transplanted the bigger seedlings into a pot now. They seem to be holding their own, but the second leaves on a couple of them look a bit yellow. smiley - erm

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 762

Ivan the Terribly Average

We didn't end up in bushland - or anywhere else - after all. *sigh* Long story. So the shrubs remained undrooled by me. (As did everyone and everything else.)

So, the second leaves are yellowing, not the first? That is a bit odd... I wish I could say something sensible on the subject.

We had rain yesterday. We're back to that horrid situation where rain is worthy of mention. smiley - erm Sometimes one just doesn't feel that hopeful.

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 763


It does seem a little odd, that the new leaves should yellow, though being Flannel Flowers it's clearly their nature to be difficult eh! smiley - laugh

Did you have enough rain to at least keep things fresh for a while?

As per usual, we've had more than enough rain, snow and any other wet stuff 'sigh'

I was reading an article in a gardening magazine - this chap grew a Dutchmans pipe (Aristolochia grandiflora) in his garden last year. This is amazing, as they are classed at consevatory or greenhouse plants here. smiley - wow I'm tempted to buy some seed and try this wierd looking climber myself. smiley - cool

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 764

Ivan the Terribly Average

Flannel flowers - 'a surprise a minute' could be the advertising slogan. smiley - weird I'm still trying to think why there might be yellowing; what sort of soil are they in? There might be too much phosphorus... Of course, I never saw my plant as a seedling. Maybe yellowing is Perfectly Normal.

We had about 18mm of rain the other day, officially; I think there might have been slightly more than that in this suburb. The dam's main catchment area had about 30mm, which is fabulous. smiley - smiley None since then, of course. We'll just have to keep being patient, but it's so very wearing.

And I just looked up some pictures of Aristolochia grandiflora. Goodness, it is a strange thing, isn't it? Good luck!

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 765


I've no idea whether the soil has phosphorous in it or not. One of the seedlings is doing really well and has a new leaf developing, which is dark green. As for the others, they don't seem to be doing much at all. I don't think i'm going to try growing them again, they are far too tempremental smiley - flustered
I took a brief look in my garden today, after all the rain we've had, it's really soggy. smiley - sadface
Things are still growing rapidly though. My Scopolia is in flower. It's a strange plant, it emerges out of the ground, already flowering. The foxtail lily is looking a little washed out after the rains, but is still growing fast. I will be planting the two native orchids in my garden next week, i do hope they like their new home. smiley - biggrin

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 766

Ivan the Terribly Average

Scopolia. Something else I've never heard of. I'll look it up later.

It's a pity the seedlings are being so erratic - but getting even one of them to survive to maturity will be a remarkable achievement. smiley - zen That being said, I quite understand the reluctance to try again...

I've decided to give up on geraniums and pineapple sage after this season is over. They haven't flowered this year, and the time for that is already over. Then the frost will come along and raze them to ground level; I might as well rip them out then.

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 767


I can't believe your Geraniums did'nt flower, they are usually so reliable and love the sun smiley - huh Pineapple sage has never done well over here, by the time it starts to look good, the frost gets it.
Scopolia is a nice little plant. I have a yellow one, which is very uncommon. smiley - biggrin

The new FF seedlings are starting to grow quite fast, they still have their seed hats on though. I guess i'll have to get the scissors out again smiley - laugh

How are the new shrubs doing?

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 768

Ivan the Terribly Average

The new shrubs are all quite happy, I think; I'll soon be watering them (by torchlight) for the last time this week. I'm about to spend three days out of town on a residential 'management training course'. smiley - yuk Not my idea of fun at all. In fact, I reckon it'll be a load of smiley - bleep

These geraniums are some of the scented sort. The standard tough old pelargoniums are still quite happy, so there's some consolation.

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 769


Ah, thats the reasom why they did'nt flower. The scented ones are grown more for their leaves and not the flowers, which tend to be a bit weedy looking. They can take a couple of years to flower,from a young plant. smiley - smiley
I found 4 more Bee Orchids today smiley - wow That was after i cut the grass, fortunately the cutter was high, so it did'nt mow the leaves. smiley - smiley

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 770

Ivan the Terribly Average

The scented geraniums flowered last year; the flowers were more spectacular than those of many native plants. smiley - winkeyesmiley - erm That's why it's so disappointing that they haven't bothered to bloom this time around.

How many bee orchids do you know you have now?

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 771


They must be different scented geraniums, to the ones we get here. The flowers on our ones are small and indifferent.

Right now, the count of Bee Orchids is 10 smiley - wow It's possible that there are more, but i might have mowed them smiley - yikes Even so, 10 is amazing. I think i can now say i have a 'colony' of Bee Orchids. smiley - zen

Some sad news, the Flannel flower seedling are not doing well, one has died and the others are looking like they may be heading the same way smiley - sadface

So, how was your trip away? As dull as you expected? smiley - laugh

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 772

Ivan the Terribly Average

The trip away was almost but not quite as I expected. There's a Journal about it, more or less.

Ten orchids is definitely a Colony. smiley - zen Does this make you the Governor? smiley - silly And I really shouldn't make jokes about geraniums. Most native flowers are small and insignificant, you see... I expect we both have exactly the same species of scented geraniums.

One not-insignificant native flower is the flannel flower. I'm sorry to hear that they're just not cooperating with your ministrations.

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 773


I did read your journal. At first i thought it was going to be an account of the carnege (sp) on your way to the village of the damned. smiley - silly

Can you believe it, we've got smiley - bleep snow again! What is going on with the weather. smiley - cross

I'm quite a fan of hardy geraniums (Cranesbill) Some of those have big flowers and flower for weeks at a time. A really good plant for the garden, they tolerate shade, full sun and dry conditions. Possibly not as dry as your conditions though smiley - erm

I have one very healthy looking Flannel flower seedling, which i'm going to leave in the seed tray for quite a while yet. The others that i transplanted are looking very sick indeed.

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 774

Ivan the Terribly Average

I was going to list more of the roadside carcasses, but I'm glad I didn't; there was a human fatality on that road the day after I came home. smiley - erm There are a few dodgy bends and things, come to think of it.

I don't know what's wrong with the weather. Frozen mud the other day, over 20C again today - something for everyone, it's true, but it's all in the wrong order.

The flannel flower - maybe it'll have to stay in the seed tray. It might not like being moved, or something.

I've heard of cranesbill, but never knowingly seen any. I'll bear it in mind. smiley - smiley

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 775


Blimey! Just as well you did'nt list all the carcasses, it would have started to sound like an obituary smiley - yikes

We've had some very odd weather here too. One day sunny and pleasantly warm, the next day freezing with snow! How on earth is one meant to plan a wardrobe with this erratic weather smiley - erm

I think you would like Cranesbill, some of them are understated with smaller flowers. I know you don't like flowers too big and flouncy smiley - smiley
My Euphorbias are putting on a good display just now, my poor little toffee tree is'nt fairing so well. The frost seriously damaged alot of the leaves. I'm hoping it will grow some new ones, as it's still early in the season.

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 776

Ivan the Terribly Average

Well - frost the other morning, 24C today - I'm as confused as you are. smiley - huh

Other confusing issues include the mysterious appearing/disappearing individual who might or might not be angling for some sort of permanent relationship. He's appeared again, and will be here tomorrow at some point. I must put my foot down and insist on knowing his intentions. Apart from anything else, the uncertainty is impacting badly on my gardening.

I'm now reduced to watering by hand, by torchlight, on designated days. That's what happens when we drop back onto winter time and the rains don't come...

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 777


How did the visitation go? Are you any more clearer as to what your mystery man wants from you? I hope it turns out as you would like. smiley - smiley
I had a great day at Kew gardens. There were loads of things to see, which you would expect. It's nice to go at different times of year, so you can see whats in season at that time. I have to say that this visit was the best yet, with so many Spring flowers that i'm never likely to see in my garden, it was really lovely. I saw four species of Trillium, each a different colour smiley - zen and two species of Arisaema in flower smiley - magic
It must be very strange watering a garden in the dark, smiley - weird

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 778

Ivan the Terribly Average

The visit went nicely smiley - blush but I've still no idea what the situation really is. To save my poor brain from getting distressed, I've decided not to think about it. smiley - zen We're just two people who seem to fancy each other; the future can look after itself. And I'll consider myself to be single until explicitly asked to reconsider.

In other news, we awoke to rain this morning. smiley - biggrin I can not bother about watering in the dark tonight... I can see most of the garden at night if I switch all the lights on in the house; it's an unintended design feature, I expect, but it has its uses.

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 779


I'm glad to hear things are going well and that you are just letting things take there course. You are obviously more patient than i am smiley - laugh
Good news about the rain, lets hope it's the start of a wet season for Winter eh!
I've just added a few pics from my visit to Kew on my Fotki page. They are not the best ones, i'm keeping them back for now. smiley - smiley

Most definitely Year Six of the Drought

Post 780

Ivan the Terribly Average

Gosh, I've been slack this week. Sorry... smiley - choc Life gets in the way sometimes.

There's been no rain since I last mentioned it. *sigh* Damn. I'll have to go outside and start splashing about with a hose soon. I shouldn't have to do this in Autumn. One of the new plantings looks more or less dead, but one out of a dozen is a tolerable loss, isn't it?

I'll drop in at Fotki sooner or later. It takes so long to load on dial-up; I'll have to find some time to set aside for it.

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