This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Frantically busy, with nothing much happening.

Post 1

Ivan the Terribly Average

Well, I thought there was nothing much happening. But then I thought about recent events and changed my mind. Things are happening, all over the place, but there's no single, stand-out, life-changing event to talk about.

W*rk has been taking up most of my time. ('Public Servant in W*rk Overload Shock'.) I won't tell you about it in any detail; there's nothing secret or confidential in what I'm doing just at the moment, but there's plenty that's as boring as a big dull thing.

Probably the main bit of news, the only one that will have a long-term effect, is that Mum has sold the old family home. smiley - boing I never did like the place that much. It needed underpinning as a matter of urgency; as luck would have it, a professional underpinner was looking for a place to live. smiley - zen How's that for luck? He wanted a short settlement period too.

Last Friday was Dad's 68th birthday, and the ninth he's missed on account of having been cremated in 1999. It's impossible to believe that he could ever have been 68. He just wasn't that sort of person. Some people aren't designed to reach pension age - they just don't have the temperament for it. He'd have hated getting old. Not that missing out on getting old appealed to him either, you understand. (Getting old does appeal to me. smiley - silly I'm almost looking forward to it.)

So yes. I'm short on actual news, and short on metaphysical speculation as well. So maybe I won't bother writing a Journal entry after all.

Frantically busy, with nothing much happening.

Post 2


smiley - hug Seems like a busy life to me. smiley - ok

Frantically busy, with nothing much happening.

Post 3

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Ahhhh life .... there it goes, busy getting on with it's business while we're busy w*rking and getting older.smiley - weird

smiley - mouse

Frantically busy, with nothing much happening.

Post 4


smiley - eureka You did write one smiley - laugh

Do you still celebrate your Dad's birthday? I still do - 11 years on - with a single malt smiley - stiffdrink and a good meal smiley - drool

I'm definitely not looking forward to age. Mum's in dire straits at the moment and I am horrified at the suffering the pain and indignities that she is faced with smiley - cry

You can have a bit of my busy-ness if you like, Ivan smiley - smiley I have far too much to do at the moment...


Frantically busy, with nothing much happening.

Post 5

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'm not sure I want to get old either, watching my grandma run down. My parents are both still around, in their early sixties, but with various health issues (in my mother's case, self-inflicted). So I'm not convinced being old would be all that great.

Though being deceased doesn't seem all that great, either.

Anyway, it's always good to read a new journal entry that has no major life-changing stuff. Life-changing stuff can be a bit of a drag.

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