This is the Message Centre for shifty

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 41

don't be nosy

hope ur having a good timesmiley - smooch

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 42


Hey Shifty/Shugg/Tig & RFC,

Where are ye and where've you been??? smiley - erm

Need a wee highland 'hi' from ye!

Wee me... smiley - wah

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 43


Hi Penjen,I think he's snowed in up there hahahaha Hope your OK Love Pinky x

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 44


Ohhhhh!! Hey there Pinky! smiley - biggrin

Been a looooooooooooooong time since we spoke! How are ye, doll?

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 45

don't be nosy

hello jen i just recoverd from me 40th birthday hahaha both ways i had a bang on the had i fell lol but it is only made me worse not better hahahaha hi miss pinky i see u smiley - bubbly

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 46

don't be nosy

hello jen i just recoverd from me 40th birthday hahaha both ways i had a bang on the had i fell lol but it is only made me worse not better hahahaha hi miss pinky i see u smiley - bubblysmiley - erm

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 47


Yeah, and ye can tell as you've posted twice!! smiley - laugh

Oh, and a very smiley - starHappy Belated Birthdaysmiley - star to ye honey! Glad to hear you had a great one (or 40 smiley - ale)!

Her's a wee smiley - gift and a wee smiley - kiss!!

Jen (I'm younger than yooooooooouuuuuuu! just. Very, very young 33yr old!)

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 48


ME as bad! smiley - erm

Nannah is really - smiley - nahnah!

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 49

don't be nosy

hahahaha but i can still play i fine tune or 2

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 50


Aye, and me too on the old rubber bands and spoons on knuckles! smiley - musicalnote Ouch! smiley - wah

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 51

don't be nosy

did ya get that we pic i sent ya the other day jennysmiley - cake

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 52


"Wee Pic"?

No, me no get... smiley - erm

Was it one of you dancing, playing with spoons or acting the fool?
Would have welcomed a cheeky peek at that, for sure! smiley - laugh

Tá for cake (and eat it... yum) smiley - ale

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 53

don't be nosy

carful wot u ask for lolsmiley - hug

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 54

don't be nosy

i got that cd irish club land not bad songs jazzed up cool so how u doing paddy

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 55


Geezus are ye mad?!!
That music would drive the bleeding banshee mental: Fiddle-de-thump-thump-thump...

Thought you'd be more a Daniel O'Donnell kind of chap, Shifty. Now come on, tell the truth! I won't tell... hehehehehehehe... yikes!....smiley - somersaultsmiley - run

I'm doing fine, thank-you. Just counting the days left... smiley - wah

Shaky, Shifty, Shuggy, Hug!

Post 56

don't be nosy

i like music but not that lol

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