This is the Message Centre for shifty

Noticeed you mentioned MS

Post 1


Hi, nice to see you at h2g2, I'm glad you're getting used to the site. I know it must be a bit different to other sites you've used as it isn't a chat site.

We do have a page for people who have neurological problems
A889194 De Mylination - why not drop in there for a chat?

Noticeed you mentioned MS

Post 2


thanks for telling me about that site

Noticeed you mentioned MS

Post 3


When you find the site Tig please let me know now ,it could be of some use to my friend Jo x Hope your OK xxx Thanks Z x

Noticeed you mentioned MS

Post 4


Pinky, - it's here - A889194

Noticeed you mentioned MS

Post 5


Thankyou Z, so kind x

Noticeed you mentioned MS

Post 6


*waves at Z*

smiley - ta for the link to De Myelin Nation mate!smiley - ok

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

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