This is the Message Centre for shifty

Ross,your a STAR

Post 1


Well done you Ross x What a fantastic job you've done.Excellent.Love to All xxx Pinky

Ross,your a STAR

Post 2


Have you done the NEW graphics too ?? If so, SUPERB,so very clever xxx Pinky

Ross,your a STAR

Post 3


lol i done the jail one myselp ross showed me lollol

Ross,your a STAR

Post 4


If you don't mind Tig,on this thread I'd prefer to speak to the mechanic,NOT the oil rag thankyou hahahahaha Well done Ross xxxx

Ross,your a STAR

Post 5


well i can handle oil rag ok i can live with that in this day age age lol but oil rag could be worse i could be a monkey ok organ pinky over ta u lmao ross gets all that at school partly in admin classes etc it a young persons game not pinks hes good one the pc with web design and stuff smiley - dog

Ross,your a STAR

Post 6


OK !!! I'll talk with the monkey hahahahaha Yes the kids are fantastic with this techno world !! I'd better be good too this week hahaha I have to go to shirls and get her in here hahahahahahaha We may never be seen again hahahaha MARS ??? Think more SATURN !!!! hahahahaha Love to all see you later xxxxx

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