This is the Message Centre for shifty

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 221


ross is doing well with his singing he is in and has a brill coach .

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 222


I'm thrilled to hear the news Tig,he'll do well ..not heard from shirl inwhile ,I know she's fine ,Stan would have called me if anything was wrong ..I'll get an update XXXX

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 223


ross came 2nd in the voice of falkirk in may he was just pipped . how you doing i thought you had fell of the planet lol

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 224


Well done Ross ..I had Tig ..really hahahaha

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 225


myself and pearl was down sunny blackpool last weekend stayed in seabank again once again we had great weather .

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 226


awww,I hope you both had a great time XXX The weather has been good lately,well,torrential rain this afternoon ,but it turned out nice in the end

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 227


yes we just got back and heard that news about the big dipper at the pleasure beach glad i dont do big rides lol.

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 228


hahaha ,well,I have a customer who works there Tig ,he told me it wasn't as bad as the media made out ...but still,I'm on your team,pleased I wasn't on there either hahahahaha

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 229


there making a good job of the beach area down there very clean we seen the red arrows display last sunday what a show .

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 230


I saw them too Tig,where were you standing ? hahaha Yes,they're doing a good job ,not before time mind you ..should get better ..did you go to Clevelys ?

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 231


outside the seabank hotel . yes and fleetwood on the tram lol

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 232


aww,proper holidymakers then hahahaha You have to the tram Tig hahahaha

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 233


hahahaha it was ok till it left the smooth and went on the shakey track lol pearl said bloody tram

pass the PLATE !!!!

Post 234


hahahahahahaha ,bone shakers ,but it has to be done Tig hahaha next time you come ,the whole track should be redone ...tell Pearl please ok ? hahahahaha

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